Air Fryer Chile Rellenos With Egg Roll Wrappers

Air Fryer Chile Rellenos With Egg Roll Wrappers

Making air fryer chile rellenos with egg roll wrappers is a smart choice for anyone looking for a meal that’s both easy to prepare and delicious. Simply fill the chiles, wrap them in egg roll wrappers, and air fry at 375°F for 10 minutes. Very easy, I’m right!

Egg roll wrapper chile rellenos bring a crispy twist to a classic dish, making every bite unforgettable. This method achieves a crispy texture effortlessly, offering a mouthwatering dish that’s sure to please. It’s a hassle-free way to enjoy a classic favorite with a crispy twist.

Benefits of Cooking Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers in an Air Fryer

Choosing an air fryer for chile rellenos with egg roll wrappers brings numerous benefits. The primary advantage is the significant reduction in oil needed, which means fewer calories and less fat in your meals.

This cooking method not only helps in creating lighter versions of your favorite dishes but also maintains their delicious taste and appealing texture.

Air fryers work by circulating hot air to cook the food, resulting in a crispy outside without the need for deep frying. This method is much healthier, offering a great alternative for those looking to enjoy their favorite meals without the added guilt.

Cooking with an air fryer is not just about health; it also makes cooking easier and cleaner, as there is less oil splatter and a quicker cleanup time. This means you can enjoy healthy chile relleno recipes and vegetarian chile rellenos with minimal oil, turning a typically indulgent dish into a low-fat, nutritious meal.

How to Cook Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers in Air Fryer

Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • 4 large poblano peppers
  • 8 oz. Monterey Jack cheese, sliced
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 4 egg roll wrappers
  • Cooking spray

When selecting chiles for rellenos, look for large poblano peppers that have firm, glossy skins. They should feel heavy for their size, indicating they are fresh and perfect for stuffing. For the best cheese for chile rellenos, Monterey Jack is my favorite because it melts beautifully and has a mild flavor that complements the chiles without overpowering them.

Ingredients for Air Fryer Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers

The quality of your ingredients is crucial. Fresh, crisp poblano peppers and high-quality cheese make all the difference in flavor and texture. Likewise, ensure you’re using quality egg roll wrappers; they should be pliable and not dry, as this ensures they’ll crisp up nicely without breaking when folded.

Preparing the Chile Rellenos

Start by roasting your poblano peppers. Once blackened, place them in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap to steam; this makes peeling them easier. After peeling, make a slit down one side of each pepper and remove the seeds, leaving the stem intact. This prepares them for stuffing.

Preparing Chiles for Air Fryer Chile Rellenos

Stuff each pepper with a generous amount of cheese. Trust me, you want that cheesy goodness in every bite. Next, wrap the stuffed peppers in egg roll wrappers. The trick here is to ensure the wrapper completely covers the pepper, folding in the edges to seal the fillings inside. This helps achieve that crispy finish we’re aiming for.

Stuffing Chiles with Cheese for Air Fryer Rellenos

When wrapping chiles in egg roll wrappers, lay the wrapper flat, place the stuffed chile in the center, fold in the sides, and roll tightly.

Seal the edge with a bit of water to keep everything intact during cooking. This step is crucial for preparing chile rellenos that not only taste amazing but also hold together well in the air fryer, ensuring a crispy, golden exterior.

Customizing Your Chile Rellenos

Customizing your chile rellenos is really fun and lets you cater to everyone’s taste or dietary needs. For vegetarian chile rellenos, think beyond cheese. Try stuffing them with a mix of black beans, corn, and quinoa. Add some spices for that extra kick. Trust me, it’s delicious and satisfying.

For those looking for keto chile rellenos options, replace traditional fillings with a mix of ground meat (like turkey or beef) and cheese. Make sure the meat is well-seasoned. This swap keeps it low-carb but still packed with flavor.

Exploring custom chile rellenos fillings lets you get creative and ensures there’s something for everyone. Honestly, it’s my favorite part of making this dish.

How to Cook Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers in Air Fryer

Here’s a step-by-step guide for making the perfect air fryer chile rellenos with egg roll wrappers.

1. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F. This ensures the cooking environment is ready for your chile rellenos, aiming for an evenly cooked, crispy texture.

2. Prepare the egg roll wrappers and cheese. Lay out the egg roll wrappers; place a slice of cheese inside each prepared chile before wrapping.

3. Wrap the chiles. Place a cheese-stuffed chile in the center of an egg roll wrapper. Fold the bottom corner over the chile, then fold in the sides and roll tightly. Use a little water to seal the final corner of the wrapper.

Wrapping Chile Rellenos in Egg Roll Wrappers for Air Frying

4. Spray with cooking oil. Lightly coat the wrapped chile rellenos with cooking spray. This helps achieve that golden, crispy exterior we’re aiming for.

5. Arrange in the air fryer. Place the chile rellenos in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they’re not touching to allow air circulation.

Chile Rellenos Wrapped in Egg Roll Wrappers Ready for Air Frying

6. Cook for 10 minutes. Halfway through, gently flip the rellenos to ensure even cooking. The goal is a golden brown and crispy exterior, with the air fryer chile rellenos cooking time being key.

Finished Air Fryer Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers

7. Check for doneness. They should be beautifully golden and crisp when done. Let them cool for a minute before serving.

Essential note: For an extra crispy finish, you can lightly brush or spray the chile rellenos with oil again after flipping.

Following these cooking instructions will guide you to making delicious and crispy chile rellenos that are sure to impress. Trust me, the texture and flavor are phenomenal, making them a favorite for any occasion.

Serving and Storage Tips

When serving air fryer chile rellenos, presentation and accompaniments can elevate the experience. A drizzle of salsa verde or a dollop of sour cream on top adds a refreshing contrast. For sides, consider a simple cilantro lime rice or a black bean salad to keep the meal light yet satisfying.

Serving Air Fryer Chile Rellenos with Side Dishes

Storing leftovers is straightforward. Allow any uneaten chile rellenos to cool completely before placing them in an airtight container.

They’ll keep in the fridge for up to three days. To reheat, simply pop them back in the air fryer at 350°F for a few minutes until they’re warm and crispy again. This method helps preserve the texture much better than microwaving.

Variations and Alternatives

The beauty of chile rellenos variations lies in their versatility. If you’re looking to try different chile types, Anaheim or Hatch chiles are excellent alternatives for a milder flavor profile. For those who enjoy a bit more heat, jalapeños or serranos can be an adventurous choice, though the size of these peppers may alter the stuffing process slightly.

For alternative fillings, consider vegetarian chile rellenos by using a mix of quinoa, black beans, corn, and cheese. Keto chile rellenos options might include a stuffing of ground meat (beef, chicken, or pork) seasoned with keto-friendly taco seasoning, and a mix of cheeses for added richness.

By experimenting with these ingredients and techniques, you can make the air fryer chile rellenos recipe uniquely yours, catering to different dietary needs and flavor preferences. Trust me, playing around with these options can be really fun and rewarding, giving you a plethora of dishes to enjoy any night of the week.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not preheating the air fryer: Starting with a cold air fryer can lead to uneven cooking. Always preheat for the best results.
  • Overcrowding the basket: This prevents air from circulating freely, resulting in less crispy outcomes. Cook in batches if necessary.
  • Skipping the oil: A light spray of oil ensures your chile rellenos get that golden, crispy exterior. Don’t skip this step, even with non-stick baskets.
  • Using wet ingredients: Make sure your chiles and fillings are dry to avoid sogginess. Pat them down with paper towels if needed.

By avoiding these common chile rellenos mistakes and air fryer errors, you’ll ensure delicious results every time.

FAQs about Air Fryer Chile Rellenos With Egg Roll Wrappers

Final Words

Making air fryer chile rellenos with egg roll wrappers is a delightful experience that combines ease with creativity. Remember, the key to success lies in careful preparation and avoiding common mistakes like overcrowding the air fryer or skipping the preheating step.

I encourage you to not just stick to the basics but to also get creative with your fillings and experiment with different types of chiles. Sharing your unique takes or creative chile rellenos recipes can inspire others and maybe even introduce you to new variations.

So, trying air fryer chile rellenos isn’t just about following a recipe; it’s about making it your own. Give it a go, and who knows? You might just discover your next favorite dish.

Huge Air Fryer Vegetable Recipes Here

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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Air Fryer Chile Rellenos With Egg Roll Wrappers

Air Fryer Chile Rellenos With Egg Roll Wrappers

Looking for a simple twist on traditional chile rellenos? Try them in the air fryer using egg roll wrappers. Stuff the chiles, roll them up, and cook at 375°F for 10 minutes. You’ll get a crispy finish without the hassle of deep-frying. This method delivers great taste and texture with minimal effort.

  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 4 large poblano peppers
  • 8 oz. Monterey Jack cheese, sliced
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 4 egg roll wrappers
  • Cooking spray

Ingredients for Air Fryer Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers


1. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F. This ensures the cooking environment is ready for your chile rellenos, aiming for an evenly cooked, crispy texture.

2. Prepare the egg roll wrappers and cheese. Lay out the egg roll wrappers; place a slice of cheese inside each prepared chile before wrapping.

Stuffing Chiles with Cheese for Air Fryer Rellenos

3. Wrap the chiles. Place a cheese-stuffed chile in the center of an egg roll wrapper. Fold the bottom corner over the chile, then fold in the sides and roll tightly. Use a little water to seal the final corner of the wrapper.

Wrapping Chile Rellenos in Egg Roll Wrappers for Air Frying

4. Spray with cooking oil. Lightly coat the wrapped chile rellenos with cooking spray. This helps achieve that golden, crispy exterior we’re aiming for.

5. Arrange in the air fryer. Place the chile rellenos in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they’re not touching to allow air circulation.

Chile Rellenos Wrapped in Egg Roll Wrappers Ready for Air Frying

6. Cook for 10 minutes. Halfway through, gently flip the rellenos to ensure even cooking. The goal is a golden brown and crispy exterior, with the air fryer chile rellenos cooking time being key.

Finished Air Fryer Chile Rellenos with Egg Roll Wrappers

7. Check for doneness. They should be beautifully golden and crisp when done. Let them cool for a minute before serving.


For an extra crispy finish, you can lightly brush or spray the chile rellenos with oil again after flipping.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Mexican-Inspired
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • Serving Size: 1 chile relleno
  • Calories: 250 kcal
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Sodium: 500mg
  • Fat: 12g
  • Saturated Fat: 5g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 20g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Protein: 12g
  • Cholesterol: 30mg

Keywords: air fryer chile rellenos with egg roll wrappers

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