Air Fryer Greek Potatoes

Air Fryer Greek Potatoes

The air fryer Greek potatoes recipe is a straightforward and easy side dish. Chop the potatoes, season them with olive oil and Greek spices, then air fry at 400°F for 15 minutes. You’ll end up with a crispy, delicious side that’s easy to make.

This method is an excellent choice for anyone looking for easy side dishes that don’t skimp on taste or nutritional value. Greek cuisine is known for its vibrant flavors and healthful ingredients, and by using an air fryer, you can enjoy all of these benefits without the added oil.

Why Choose Air Fryer Greek Potatoes?

Choosing to prepare Greek potatoes in an air fryer offers several advantages:

  • Benefits of air frying: This cooking method uses significantly less oil, which is better for your health. Plus, it doesn’t sacrifice the Greek potatoes texture—expect crispy exteriors and soft interiors.
  • Quick side dishes: Air fryers reduce cooking time, making Greek potatoes a fast option for any meal.
  • Health benefits: Less oil means fewer calories and fat, contributing to a healthier diet without compromising on taste.
  • Cooking efficiency: Air fryers provide even cooking, ensuring that every piece of potato is perfectly done.

By focusing on these key points, you can enjoy delicious and healthy Greek potatoes with minimal effort.

Greek Potatoes Air Fryer

See my next air fryer recipe: Air Fryer Chicken Schnitzel

Selecting the Best Potatoes

Choosing the right type of potato is crucial for achieving the perfect air fryer Greek potatoes. The best potatoes for air frying include varieties like Yukon gold, baby creamers, fingerlings, and red potatoes. These types hold their shape well and have a texture that becomes beautifully crispy on the outside and tender on the inside when air-fried.

Fresh Yukon Gold baby potatoes

Preparing potatoes for air fryer success involves uniform cutting. This ensures even cooking and perfect texture in every bite. Whether you’re using baby creamers or Yukon gold, cutting them into consistent sizes is key.

Essential Ingredients and Substitutions

For this dish, the balance of flavors and textures is everything. Here’s what you’ll need, along with some flexible substitutions:

  • 1 lb of baby gold potatoes (Yukon gold or baby creamers work best)
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil (or an olive oil alternative for a lighter version)
  • 1 tablespoons lemon juice (freshly squeezed for the best flavor)
  • 1/2 tablespoon Cavender’s Greek seasoning (Cavender’s Greek seasoning is my favorite, but any blend of dried oregano, thyme, and garlic powder can substitute)
  • 1/2 tablespoon Dried Oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley for garnish

These Greek potatoes ingredients can be adjusted to suit your taste or dietary needs, making the air fryer potato recipe both versatile and forgiving. For example, if you’re out of lemon juice, a bit of white wine vinegar can offer a similar tang.

Essential Equipment

To make these Greek potatoes, you’ll need a few kitchen essentials. Here’s a quick list:

  • Air Fryer: Use your best one that fit for this recipe.
  • Cutting Board and Knife: For preparing your potatoes with precision.
  • Mixing Bowl: To evenly coat your potatoes with the oil, seasonings, and lemon juice.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: For accurately measuring your ingredients, ensuring the perfect balance of flavors.

Having the right tools at your disposal will make the cooking process smoother and more enjoyable.

How to Make Greek Potatoes in Air Fryer

Step 1: Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C). This ensures your potatoes start cooking at the right temperature for that perfect golden exterior. It’s the first step in our air fryer Greek potatoes recipe.

Step 2: While the air fryer is preheating, choose between Yukon gold, baby creamers, or any firm potato that holds up well to roasting. And wash and cut your chosen potatoes into uniform pieces. This uniformity is key for even cooking.

Chopping potatoes for air fryer Greek potatoes recipe

Step 3: Mix the ingredients in a large bowl. Toss your potato pieces with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon, 1-2 teaspoons of Greek seasoning, and a pinch of salt. Coating each piece well is crucial for giving potatoes that authentic flavor.

Seasoning chopped potatoes with olive oil and Greek spices for air frying

Step 4: Arrange the potatoes in the air fryer basket. Spread them out in a single layer to ensure they cook evenly. This might mean cooking in batches, but it’s worth it.

Seasoned Chopped Potatoes in the Air Fryer Basket

Step 5: Cook the potatoes for about 15 minutes. Shake the basket or toss the potatoes halfway through to promote an even golden color and crispiness.

Greek potatoes being cooked in air fryer, showing halfway tossing

Step 6: Check for doneness. Your Greek potatoes should be beautifully golden and fork-tender. If not, cook for an additional 5 minutes and check again.

Step 7: Serve hot. These potatoes are best enjoyed fresh from the air fryer, sprinkled with a little extra Greek seasoning or fresh herbs.

Final dish of crispy air fryer Greek potatoes garnished with parsley on serving plate

Essential note: Remember, all air fryers are a bit different. Keep an eye on your potatoes the first time you try this recipe to find the perfect timing for your specific model.

By following the Greek potatoes cooking instructions, you’ll have a delicious side dish that not only tastes amazing but is healthier, thanks to the benefits of air frying.

Nutritional Information:

Nutritional Information per Serving (Based on 4 servings per recipe):

NutrientAmount per Serving
Calories115 kcal
Total Fat3 g
Saturated Fat1 g
Unsaturated Fat2 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium8 mg
Total Carbohydrates23 g
Dietary Fiber4 g
Sugars1 g
Protein4 g
Calcium20 mg
Iron1.8 mg
Potassium750 mg

Please note: These values are approximate and can vary based on the specific ingredients and measurements used. For the most accurate information, I recommend using a nutritional calculator with the exact brand and amount of ingredients you plan to use. This will give you the best insight into the nutritional content of your Greek potatoes.

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See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

Tips for Crispy Air Fryer Greek Potatoes

Getting those crispy air fryer potatoes isn’t just about luck; it’s about technique. Here are some tips to ensure your Greek potatoes come out perfectly crispy every time:

  • Soaking potatoes: Before cooking, soak your cut potatoes in water for at least 30 minutes. This step removes excess starch, which helps achieve that coveted crispy texture.
  • Air fryer basket arrangement: Avoid overcrowding. Cook in batches if necessary. Proper air circulation around each potato piece is crucial for even cooking and crispiness.
  • Marination benefits: Marinate your potatoes with Greek seasoning for potatoes, olive oil, and lemon juice before air frying. This not only flavors the potatoes but also helps to achieve a golden and crispy exterior.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can enjoy delicious and crispy air fryer potatoes every time.

Variations and Substitutions

The beauty of Greek potatoes lies in their versatility. Here are some suggestions to customize this dish to suit your taste or dietary needs:

  • Greek potatoes variations: Experiment with different herbs and spices. Thyme, rosemary, or oregano can add a unique twist to the classic Greek seasoning for potatoes.
  • Recipe substitutions: For a vegan version, ensure your Greek seasoning doesn’t contain any animal products. Olive oil is already vegan-friendly, making this dish easy to adapt.
  • Adding proteins: For a heartier meal, consider adding chunks of chicken or tofu to the potatoes before cooking. Make sure to adjust cooking times accordingly.
  • Gluten-free: This recipe is naturally gluten-free, but always check your seasoning blends to make sure they don’t contain any gluten additives.

Whether you’re looking for a simple side dish or a customizable base for a more substantial meal, these variations and substitutions can help you tailor the recipe to your liking.

Serving and Pairing Ideas

When it comes to serving Greek potatoes, the possibilities are as delightful as they are varied. Here are some suggestions to make your meal truly memorable:

  • Pairing suggestions: Greek chicken or grilled lamb make excellent main dishes to serve alongside your Greek potatoes. Their rich flavors complement the crisp and herby potatoes perfectly.
  • Tzatziki sauce: For dipping, nothing beats a cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. Its refreshing taste is the perfect counterbalance to the savory potatoes.
  • Mediterranean diet: Greek potatoes fit wonderfully within the Mediterranean diet. Pair them with a simple Greek salad or roasted vegetables for a light and healthy meal option.

Storage and Reheating Guidelines

To enjoy your air fryer Greek potatoes to the fullest, even as leftovers, follow these storage and reheating guidelines:

  • Storing air fryer potatoes: Cool the potatoes completely before transferring them to airtight containers. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
  • Reheating leftovers: To maintain crispness retention, reheat the potatoes in the air fryer at 400°F for 3-5 minutes or until they are heated through and crispy again. Avoid using the microwave, as it can make them soggy.

By following these tips for serving, storing, and reheating, you’ll ensure that your Greek potatoes remain a delicious part of your meals, even the next day.

FAQs about Air Fryer Greek Potatoes

Last Words

I genuinely encourage you to try the Greek potatoes recipe in your air fryer.

It’s a straightforward dish that brings a taste of Greek cuisine into your home with minimal effort.

Whether you’re making a family dinner or just looking for a healthy snack, these potatoes will not disappoint.

Please, share your cooking experience with us. Did you add your twist to it? How did it turn out?

Your feedback, questions, or any modifications you’ve made are always welcome. Let’s create a community of homemade Greek cuisine enthusiasts together.

Give it a try and see just how easy and delicious it can be!

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Air Fryer Greek Potatoes

Air Fryer Greek Potatoes

The air fryer Greek potatoes recipe is a straightforward and easy side dish. Chop the potatoes, season them with olive oil and Greek spices, then air fry at 400°F for 15 minutes. You’ll end up with a crispy, delicious side that’s easy to make.

  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 lb of baby gold potatoes (Yukon gold or baby creamers work best)
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil (or an olive oil alternative for a lighter version)
  • 1 tablespoons lemon juice (freshly squeezed for the best flavor)
  • 1/2 tablespoon Cavender’s Greek seasoning (Cavender’s Greek seasoning is my favorite, but any blend of dried oregano, thyme, and garlic powder can substitute)
  • 1/2 tablespoon Dried Oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley for garnish

Fresh Yukon Gold baby potatoes


1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C). This ensures your potatoes start cooking at the right temperature for that perfect golden exterior. It’s the first step in our air fryer Greek potatoes recipe.

2. While the air fryer is preheating, choose between Yukon gold, baby creamers, or any firm potato that holds up well to roasting. And wash and cut your chosen potatoes into uniform pieces. This uniformity is key for even cooking.

Chopping potatoes for air fryer Greek potatoes recipe

3. Mix the ingredients in a large bowl. Toss your potato pieces with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon, 1-2 teaspoons of Greek seasoning, and a pinch of salt. Coating each piece well is crucial for giving potatoes that authentic flavor.

Seasoning chopped potatoes with olive oil and Greek spices for air frying

4. Arrange the potatoes in the air fryer basket. Spread them out in a single layer to ensure they cook evenly. This might mean cooking in batches, but it’s worth it.

Seasoned Chopped Potatoes in the Air Fryer Basket

5. Cook the potatoes for about 15 minutes. Shake the basket or toss the potatoes halfway through to promote an even golden color and crispiness.

Greek potatoes being cooked in air fryer, showing halfway tossing

6. Check for doneness. Your Greek potatoes should be beautifully golden and fork-tender. If not, cook for an additional 5 minutes and check again.

7. Serve hot. These potatoes are best enjoyed fresh from the air fryer, sprinkled with a little extra Greek seasoning or fresh herbs.

Final dish of crispy air fryer Greek potatoes garnished with parsley on serving plate


Remember, all air fryers are a bit different. Keep an eye on your potatoes the first time you try this recipe to find the perfect timing for your specific model.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Side Dish
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Greek
  • Diet: Vegan


  • Serving Size: 1 serving (1/4 of total recipe)
  • Calories: 115
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Sodium: 8mg
  • Fat: 3g
  • Saturated Fat: 1g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 2g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 23g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

Keywords: air fryer greek potatoes

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