Air Fryer Porterhouse Steak

Air Fryer Porterhouse Steak

Cooking a porterhouse steak in the air fryer is really easy and delivers fantastic results. Wondering how? Season your steak, place it in the air fryer, and cook at 400°F for about 12 minutes. It’s a quick and effective way to enjoy a delicious meal.

For those looking for easy steak recipes that don’t compromise on taste, air frying is a great choice. This method aligns perfectly with healthy steak cooking methods, making it ideal for anyone interested in quick and healthy cooking. Trust me, the air fryer steak benefits go beyond just convenience.

Why Choose Porterhouse Steak?

Porterhouse steak benefits include its luxurious texture and depth of flavor, making it a top pick for a memorable meal. Its generous size, with a tenderloin and a strip steak separated by a T-bone, offers the best of both worlds. Here’s why choosing porterhouse steak for air frying makes a difference:

  • Rich flavor and texture: Its marbling ensures a juicy, flavorful steak every time.
  • Versatility: Perfect for those who love variety in their meat cuts.
  • Satisfying size: Ideal for sharing or for those with a hearty appetite.

By air frying, you enhance these qualities, making it a smart choice for both novice cooks and seasoned chefs alike.

Air Fry Porterhouse Steak

Essential Ingredients and Equipment


  • 1 high-quality porterhouse steak (approximately 1.5 inches thick)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: garlic powder, onion powder, and your favorite steak seasoning
Ingredients and tools for air fryer porterhouse steak recipe


  1. Air fryer
  2. Meat thermometer
  3. Tongs

The porterhouse steak ingredients and essential air frying tools like a meat thermometer are critical for achieving that perfect cook.

Choosing the Right Porterhouse Steak

The key to a great air fryer porterhouse steak is choosing porterhouse steak with the right qualities:

  • Look for steak marbling: fat marbling is crucial for flavor.
  • Thickness matters: a steak around 1.5 inches is ideal for air frying.
  • Opt for quality: a high-quality porterhouse ensures a better taste and texture.

Best cuts for air frying are those that combine these features, leading to a delicious outcome.

Preparing Your Porterhouse Steak

To get the most out of your seasoning porterhouse steak, follow these preparation tips:

  • Bring your steak to room temperature; it helps cook more evenly.
  • Season generously with salt, pepper, and your seasoning blend. Don’t be shy about coating all sides for that enhancing steak flavor.
  • Preparation techniques for juiciness include not just seasoning but also ensuring your steak is dry before seasoning for the best crust.

These steps are simple but essential in making your porterhouse steak in the air fryer a standout dish.

How to Cook Porterhouse Steak in Air Fryer

1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F. This is crucial for cooking porterhouse steak in air fryer as it ensures the steak starts cooking at the right temperature for a perfect sear.

2. Prepare your porterhouse steak while the air fryer is heating. Allow it to rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking. This step helps in achieving desired steak doneness more evenly.

3. Season the steak generously on both sides with salt and pepper. Feel free to add your favorite steak seasoning for extra flavor. Brush both sides with olive oil to help the seasoning stick and to achieve a great crust.

Seasoning porterhouse steak for air frying

4. Place the steak in the air fryer basket. Ensure it’s in a single layer without overlapping for even air circulation and cooking.

Porterhouse steak ready to be cooked in air fryer

5. Cook the steak for 6 minutes, then flip and cook for an additional 6 minutes for medium-rare doneness. This is a general guide; adjust the time based on your desired doneness and steak thickness.

Cooking porterhouse steak in air fryer halfway through

6. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal steak temperature. For medium-rare, look for a temperature of 130-135°F. Adjust the cooking time if necessary for medium (135-145°F) or well-done (155-165°F).

Checking internal temperature of air fryer porterhouse steak

7. Let the steak rest for about 5 minutes after cooking. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the steak, making it juicier and more flavorful when you cut into it.

Resting porterhouse steak after air frying

Essential note: Remember, air fryer steak temperatures can vary based on the model and size of your air fryer. It’s important to check the steak’s temperature as you near the end of cooking time to prevent overcooking.

By following these porterhouse steak cooking instructions, you’ll ensure a delicious, perfectly cooked steak every time. Trust me, the results are well worth it.

Resting the Steak

After cooking your medium-rare porterhouse steak in air fryer, let it rest. This step is non-negotiable for a few reasons:

  1. Resting allows the juices to redistribute throughout the steak, ensuring each bite is juicy.
  2. Use this time to get your plates and sides ready. A steak should rest for about 5 minutes.
  3. Checking steak doneness temperatures with a meat thermometer during cooking is crucial, but so is allowing the steak to rest afterward to continue the carryover cooking process slightly.

This resting period is key for monitoring steak temperature and precision in cooking, making sure you get that perfect medium-rare finish.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to porterhouse steak pairings, choosing the right side dishes can elevate your meal from good to great. Here are some air fryer steak sides that complement the rich flavors of the steak:

  • Mashed potatoes: Creamy and buttery, they’re the perfect canvas for steak juices.
  • Green beans: Sautéed with a touch of garlic, they add a crisp, fresh contrast to the rich steak.
  • Salad: A simple arugula salad with a lemon vinaigrette can add a refreshing bite.
  • Roasted vegetables: Carrots, asparagus, or Brussels sprouts roasted in the air fryer offer a tasty and healthy option.
Porterhouse steak served with side dishes

These sides not only complete the meal but also play a crucial role in enhancing steak dinner and complementing flavors for steak, making every bite a delight.

Storage and Reheating Tips

When it comes to storing leftover steak, keeping the quality and taste intact is key. Here’s how:

  1. Cool the steak before storing. Let it reach room temperature to prevent condensation inside the container, which can make the steak soggy.
  2. Wrap the steak tightly in aluminum foil or place it in an airtight container. This helps in maintaining steak flavor.
  3. To reheat steak in air fryer, set the air fryer to 250°F and warm the steak for about 3-4 minutes. This method helps in keeping the steak juicy and not overcooked.

Following these steps ensures your leftovers ideas don’t just taste good but feel fresh too.

FAQs about Air Fry Porterhouse Steak

Final Thoughts

Cooking air fryer porterhouse steak has shown us the undeniable benefits of air fryer cooking. It’s a method that combines ease, health, and flavor all in one.

We’ve walked through choosing the right steak, seasoning it perfectly, and the precise steps to cook it to perfection.

Now, I encourage you to start experimenting with air fryer steaks yourself. The journey from prep to plate is straightforward and rewarding.

And remember, these final tips for air fryer steak are just the beginning. There’s a whole world of flavors out there to explore with your air fryer.

Happy cooking, and I’m here for any questions or comments you might have.

More Air Fryer Steak Recipes

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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Air Fryer Porterhouse Steak

Air Fryer Porterhouse Steak

Cooking a porterhouse steak in the air fryer is really easy and delivers fantastic results. Wondering how? Season your steak, place it in the air fryer, and cook at 400°F for about 12 minutes. It’s a quick and effective way to enjoy a delicious meal.

  • Total Time: 17 minutes
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x


  • 1 high-quality porterhouse steak (approximately 1.5 inches thick)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: garlic powder, onion powder, and your favorite steak seasoning

Ingredients and tools for air fryer porterhouse steak recipe


1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F. This is crucial for cooking porterhouse steak in air fryer as it ensures the steak starts cooking at the right temperature for a perfect sear.

2. Prepare your porterhouse steak while the air fryer is heating. Allow it to rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking. This step helps in achieving desired steak doneness more evenly.

3. Season the steak generously on both sides with salt and pepper. Feel free to add your favorite steak seasoning for extra flavor. Brush both sides with olive oil to help the seasoning stick and to achieve a great crust.

Seasoning porterhouse steak for air frying

4. Place the steak in the air fryer basket. Ensure it’s in a single layer without overlapping for even air circulation and cooking.

Porterhouse steak ready to be cooked in air fryer

5. Cook the steak for 6 minutes, then flip and cook for an additional 6 minutes for medium-rare doneness. This is a general guide; adjust the time based on your desired doneness and steak thickness.

Cooking porterhouse steak in air fryer halfway through

6. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal steak temperature. For medium-rare, look for a temperature of 130-135°F. Adjust the cooking time if necessary for medium (135-145°F) or well-done (155-165°F).

Checking internal temperature of air fryer porterhouse steak

7. Let the steak rest for about 5 minutes after cooking. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the steak, making it juicier and more flavorful when you cut into it.

Resting porterhouse steak after air frying


Remember, air fryer steak temperatures can vary based on the model and size of your air fryer. It’s important to check the steak’s temperature as you near the end of cooking time to prevent overcooking.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 12 minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 100g
  • Calories: 276 kcal
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Sodium: 65mg
  • Fat: 19.27g
  • Saturated Fat: 7.27g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 9.34g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 23.96g
  • Cholesterol: 67mg

Keywords: air fryer porterhouse steak

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