Calamari Air Fryer

Calamari Air Fryer

Crispy calamari air fryer has always been a beloved appetizer, cherished for its golden, crunchy exterior and tender meat within. Originating from Mediterranean regions, this dish has gained worldwide popularity, showcasing the versatility of squid as a culinary delight.

Calamari Air Fryer style introduces a healthier, equally delicious alternative to the traditional deep-frying method. By utilizing an air fryer, you can achieve that desirable crispiness without the excess oil, reducing calories and fat content significantly.

This method not only preserves the delicate flavor of the calamari but also contributes to a lighter, guilt-free dining experience. The air fryer’s efficiency and health benefits make this recipe an excellent choice for anyone looking to enjoy their favorite dishes in a more nutritious way.

Why You’ll Choose Calamari Air Fryer

Calamari Air Fryer offers a fantastic balance of crunchy texture and tender seafood with minimal oil. It’s a delightful twist on a classic, bringing you:

  • Faster cooking times than traditional frying
  • Reduced fat and calorie intake
  • Ideal for air frying due to its quick cook time and light texture
  • Standard culinary practices adapted for healthier living
  • Perfect compatibility with the air fryer for a crispy finish
Air Fryer Calamari Recipe
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Calamari Air Fryer

Calamari Air Fryer

Crispy calamari air fryer has always been a beloved appetizer, cherished for its golden, crunchy exterior and tender meat within. Originating from Mediterranean regions, this dish has gained worldwide popularity, showcasing the versatility of squid as a culinary delight.

  • Total Time: 21 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 lb (450g) calamari rings, fresh or thawed
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup panko breadcrumbs
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Lemon wedges, for serving


  • For a gluten-free version, use almond flour and gluten-free panko.


  1. Preparation: Start by patting the calamari rings dry with silicone liners. It’s crucial to remove as much moisture as possible to ensure they crisp up nicely.
  2. Season the Flour: In one of the shallow bowls, mix the all-purpose flour with half the garlic powder, paprika, and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. Beat the Eggs: Crack the eggs into another bowl, add a pinch of salt, and beat well.
  4. Breadcrumb Mixture: Combine panko breadcrumbs with the remaining garlic powder, paprika, and a bit of salt and pepper in the third bowl.
  5. Coating: Dip each calamari ring into the flour mixture, then the beaten eggs, and finally coat thoroughly with the panko mixture. Shake off any excess at each step.
  6. Preheat the Air Fryer: Set your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) and allow it to warm up for about 3-5 minutes.
  7. Arrange Calamari: Place the coated calamari rings in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded to allow for optimal air circulation.
  8. Cooking: Cook for about 4-6 minutes, or until golden and crispy. You may need to do this in batches depending on the size of your air fryer.
  9. Serving: Serve immediately with lemon wedges on the side.


  • Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket to ensure each calamari ring cooks evenly.
  • For best results, serve immediately while hot and crispy.
  • Experiment with different seasonings or marinades to tailor the dish to your taste preferences.
  • Always check the calamari at the lower end of the suggested cooking time to prevent overcooking.
  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 6 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Mediterranean


  • Serving Size: 1/4 pound (approx. 113g)
  • Calories: 200 kcal per serving
  • Sugar: 0.5g
  • Sodium: 340mg
  • Fat: 5g
  • Saturated Fat: 1g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 3g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 18g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 20g
  • Cholesterol: 264mg

Keywords: Air Fryer Calamari

Equipment Needed

  • Air fryer
  • Silicone Liners
  • Three shallow bowls
  • Whisk
  • Tongs or fork

How to Reheat Calamari in the Air Fryer

Reheating calamari in the air fryer is a fantastic way to restore its crispy texture while avoiding sogginess. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for about 3 minutes.
  • Arrange the leftover calamari in a single layer in the basket, ensuring they’re not touching too much for even reheating.
  • Heat for 3-4 minutes, checking halfway through to ensure they are warming evenly.
  • Serve immediately after reheating for the best texture.

Serving and Pairing Ideas

Calamari from the air fryer pairs beautifully with a range of dishes and offers versatile serving options:

  • Main Dishes: Serve alongside a fresh, zesty salad or as an appetizer before a seafood pasta.
  • Side Dishes: Complement with garlic aioli or marinara sauce for dipping.
  • Creative Serving: Consider stuffing the calamari rings into soft buns with slaw for a unique seafood slider.

Tips for Perfect Air Fryer Calamari

Creating Calamari Air Fryer provides a crispy, delightful alternative to traditional frying, cutting down on oil without sacrificing taste. Here are some tips to ensure perfection every time:

  • Even Coating: Ensure each calamari ring is evenly coated with flour, egg, and breadcrumbs. This step is crucial for achieving that golden, crispy exterior.
  • Preheat Your Air Fryer: A preheated air fryer ensures a quick start to cooking, promoting a better crisp.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Cook in batches if necessary to allow air circulation around each piece, ensuring even cooking and crispiness.
  • Shake or Turn Halfway: Gently shake the basket or turn the calamari halfway through cooking to promote even browning and crispiness.
  • Flavor Maximization: Season your breadcrumb mixture well. Don’t hesitate to add your favorite herbs or spices to enhance the flavor.
  • Common Mistakes: Avoid using wet calamari without patting dry, as moisture prevents crispiness. Also, don’t skip preheating, as it affects the texture.
  • Troubleshooting: If calamari isn’t as crispy as desired, increase cook time by 1-2 minutes. Be cautious not to overcook, as calamari can become rubbery.
  • Best Practices: Use a spray of olive oil on the calamari before cooking for extra crispiness. Ensure your air fryer is clean and free from residue to prevent smoke.
  • Time and Temperature: Cook at 400°F (200°C) for 4-6 minutes. This high heat quickly crisps the exterior while keeping the interior tender.

See also: Gobi Manchurian Air Fryer

Final Words

Choosing to make Calamari Air Fryer style offers a healthier, yet equally satisfying way to enjoy a classic favorite. This method reduces oil use, offering a lighter version that doesn’t compromise on the crispy texture or flavor.

We encourage you to experiment with different seasonings and accompaniments to find your perfect match. Remember, cooking is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. Enjoy the process, and don’t be afraid to try new flavor combinations.

Happy cooking, and enjoy your delicious, crispy calamari made right in your air fryer!

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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