Chicken Sausage Links in Air Fryer

Chicken Sausage Links in Air Fryer

Cooking chicken sausage links in an air fryer is a smart move for tasty and healthier meals.

This method is quick and straightforward, saving you time in the kitchen. Air fryer cooking means less oil is needed, yet the sausages still get that perfect crispy texture.

With chicken sausage links, you get a delicious result every time. It’s all about making your meal prep easier and ensuring your dishes are both appetizing and good for you.

Choosing efficient cooking methods like this makes life simpler and meals more enjoyable.

Benefits of Chicken Sausage Links in Air Fryer

Choosing air fryer chicken sausage brings a swift and health-conscious twist to mealtime. This cooking method significantly cuts down on oil, dialing back calories without sacrificing taste. The air fryer ensures even heat distribution, cooking each sausage to perfection.

Air Fryer Chicken Sausage

You get sausages with a satisfying crunch outside and succulent tenderness inside. This approach is ideal for those with a tight schedule, simplifying cooking without lowering the quality. It’s a blend of quickness and culinary delight.

The adaptability of the air fryer invites a variety of flavors. Be it zesty Italian sausages or chicken links rich in herbs, your air fryer handles them all. Choose this method for a straightforward, tasty meal, making a healthier twist on deep-frying effortlessly achievable.

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Air Fryer Chicken Sausage

Chicken Sausage Links in Air Fryer

Enjoy a quick, savory meal with this air fryer chicken sausage recipe. It delivers crispy texture and rich flavor, perfect for a healthy, hassle-free dinner.

  • Total Time: 16-19 minutes
  • Yield: 6 1x


  • 6 chicken sausage links (any variety to suit your taste)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (optional, for extra crispiness)
  • Salt and pepper to taste (optional, for seasoning)
  • Optional: Red pepper flakes for a spicy kick (optional, adjust to preference)


  • For a vegetarian option, substitute with plant-based sausages.
  • For those avoiding oil, you can omit the olive oil. The sausages will still cook nicely in their own juices.


  1. Preheat your air fryer to 370°F (190°C). This temperature ensures the sausages cook evenly and develop a nicely browned exterior.
  2. If you’re using olive oil, lightly brush each chicken sausage link with oil. This step is optional but adds a lovely crispness to the skin.
  3. Arrange the chicken sausage links in the air fryer basket. Make sure they’re placed in a single layer with space between each link to allow proper airflow.
  4. Cook the sausage links for 9-12 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time, use tongs to turn the sausages. This ensures they brown evenly on all sides.
  5. Check the sausages to ensure they’re fully cooked. They should have a crisp exterior and reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
  6. Once cooked, remove the sausages from the air fryer. Let them rest for a couple of minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring your sausages are moist and flavorful.
  7. Serve the sausages hot. They’re perfect on their own or paired with your favorite side dishes. Enjoy your deliciously cooked air fryer chicken sausage!


Remember, best seasonings for chicken sausage often depend on personal preference, so feel free to experiment.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 9-12 minutes
  • Category: Main Dish
  • Method: Air Fryer
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 140-160
  • Sugar: Main Dish
  • Sodium: 400-600mg
  • Fat: 7-10g
  • Saturated Fat: 2-2.5g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 2-4g
  • Fiber: 0-1g
  • Protein: 14-16g
  • Cholesterol: 60-80mg

Keywords: air fryer chicken sausage

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Ingredients for Air Fryer Chicken Sausage

  • 6 chicken sausage links (any variety to suit your taste)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (optional, for extra crispiness)
  • Salt and pepper to taste (optional, for seasoning)
  • Optional: Red pepper flakes for a spicy kick (optional, adjust to preference)


  • For a vegetarian option, substitute with plant-based sausages.
  • For those avoiding oil, you can omit the olive oil. The sausages will still cook nicely in their own juices.

Equipment Needed for Air Fryer Chicken Sausage

  • Air fryer
  • Tongs (for safely turning the sausage links)
  • Optional: A brush (if using olive oil)

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 370°F (190°C). This temperature ensures the sausages cook evenly and develop a nicely browned exterior.
  2. If you’re using olive oil, lightly brush each chicken sausage link with oil. This step is optional but adds a lovely crispness to the skin.
  3. Arrange the chicken sausage links in the air fryer basket. Make sure they’re placed in a single layer with space between each link to allow proper airflow.
  4. Cook the sausage links for 9-12 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time, use tongs to turn the sausages. This ensures they brown evenly on all sides.
  5. Check the sausages to ensure they’re fully cooked. They should have a crisp exterior and reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
  6. Once cooked, remove the sausages from the air fryer. Let them rest for a couple of minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring your sausages are moist and flavorful.
  7. Serve the sausages hot. They’re perfect on their own or paired with your favorite side dishes. Enjoy your deliciously cooked air fryer chicken sausage!

Cooking Tips and Variations

  • Even Cooking: To ensure your chicken sausages cook evenly, avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Air circulation is key to achieving that desirable crispness.
  • Checking Doneness: The best way to confirm your sausages are cooked through is by using a meat thermometer. Aim for an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).

Seasoning Variations:

  • Classic Italian: Add a sprinkle of Italian seasoning and garlic powder before cooking for a classic flavor.
  • Spicy Kick: For those who enjoy a bit of heat, a pinch of cayenne pepper or a dash of hot sauce can elevate the taste.

Serving Suggestions:

  • With Vegetables: Toss in some bell peppers and onions into the air fryer for the last few minutes of cooking. They complement the chicken sausage wonderfully.
  • Over Pasta: Slice the cooked sausages and serve them over your favorite pasta with a sauce of your choice.

Remember, best seasonings for chicken sausage often depend on personal preference, so feel free to experiment.

When it comes to serving suggestions for air fryer meals, the versatility of chicken sausage makes it a fantastic addition to a variety of dishes. Whether you’re keeping it simple or getting creative, the air fryer is a splendid tool for achieving delicious results.

Preparation Time, Cooking Time, and Serving Size

  • Preparation Time: 5 minutes (for preheating the air fryer and preparing the sausages)
  • Cooking Time: 9-12 minutes (depending on the size of the sausages and the specific air fryer model)
  • Serving Size: This recipe is perfect for serving up to 6 delicious chicken sausage links.

Quick Facts

In this guide, we’ve walked through the simple yet satisfying process of preparing chicken sausage links in an air fryer. From the essential ingredients and equipment to step-by-step instructions, followed by useful tips and variations for seasoning and serving, this recipe is designed for ease and adaptability.

CourseMain Dish
CuisineAny, dependent on sausage seasoning and serving
Servings6 chicken sausage links
Prep Time5 minutes
Cooking Time9-12 minutes
Resting Time2 minutes (optional)
Total Time16-19 minutes
CaloriesVaries by sausage choice and added ingredients

This air fryer chicken sausage recipe is a testament to the convenience and versatility of air fryer cooking, promising a delightful dish with minimal effort and time.

Nutritional Information

When it comes to enjoying chicken sausage links from your air fryer, it’s also helpful to know the nutritional content of what you’re eating. The following nutritional breakdown gives a general overview per serving, but keep in mind, specific values can vary based on the brand and type of chicken sausage used, as well as any additional ingredients you might include.

Nutrition FactsPer Serving (1 link, average)
Serving Size1 chicken sausage link
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat7-10g
Saturated Fat2-2.5g
Trans Fat0g
Total Carbohydrates2-4g
Dietary Fiber0-1g
% Daily Value*
Vitamin D0%

*% Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Please consult the packaging of your specific brand of chicken sausage for the most accurate nutritional information, as well as to account for any additional ingredients or substitutions you choose to include in your recipe.

Last Words

In summary, preparing chicken sausage links in your air fryer is not only straightforward but also a healthier option for a delicious and satisfying meal.

With minimal preparation time, virtually no mess, and a quick cooking process, this recipe is perfect for both busy weeknights and leisurely weekend dinners. The versatility of this cooking method allows you to tailor the flavors and sides to your preference, making it a sure hit for any palate.

Whether you’re new to the world of air frying or a seasoned pro looking to try something new, this chicken sausage recipe promises to deliver flavor, convenience, and satisfaction.

So, why not give it a try? Gather your ingredients, follow the simple steps, and get ready to enjoy a delicious meal that’s sure to become a staple in your cooking repertoire.

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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