Costco Dumplings Air Fryer

Costco Dumplings Air Fryer

Costco dumplings air fryer style bring a quick, crispy delight to your table, with a savory filling wrapped in a golden-brown crust. No thawing, no fuss, and ready in minutes for a satisfying snack or meal.

Originating from Asian cuisine, these dumplings are a versatile and popular choice. The air fryer offers a healthier, crispier alternative to traditional frying, locking in flavor while reducing oil usage.

Why You’ll Choose Costco Dumplings Air Fryer

Air frying Costco dumplings not only saves time but also delivers a delectably crispy texture that’s hard to resist. Here’s why this recipe will become a go-to in your kitchen:

  • Quick and Convenient: Ready in just minutes, perfect for busy weeknights.
  • Healthier Option: Uses minimal oil, reducing fat content without sacrificing taste.
  • Ideal for Air Frying: Dumplings come out perfectly crispy on the outside, tender and juicy inside.
  • Versatile Meal: Serve as an appetizer, side dish, or main course.
  • Air Fryer Compatibility: Designed specifically for air fryer efficiency, ensuring even cooking and optimal texture.

This recipe highlights the air fryer’s ability to revitalize frozen favorites, turning them into gourmet treats with minimal effort and maximum flavor.

Air Fryer Costco Dumplings

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What You Need to Get Started

Essential Ingredients

  • 1 package of Costco frozen dumplings (any variety)
  • Cooking spray or a small amount of oil for coating
  • Soy sauce, for serving (optional)
  • Dipping sauce of your choice (optional)

Ingredient Substitutions:

  • For a gluten-free option, choose gluten-free dumplings and serve with tamari instead of soy sauce.

Equipment Needed

  1. Air Fryer: The key appliance for this recipe. An air fryer uses circulating hot air to cook the dumplings, ensuring they are evenly crispy without being greasy. Perfect for those seeking a healthier alternative to deep frying.
  2. Tongs or Spatula: Useful for safely flipping the dumplings halfway through cooking, ensuring they brown evenly on all sides.
  3. Mixing Bowl: If opting to toss the dumplings in oil, a mixing bowl is handy for evenly coating them before air frying. This helps achieve a crispy exterior without using excessive oil.

How to Cook Costco Dumplings in Air Fryer

Cooking Costco dumplings in an air fryer is a game changer. It’s simple and results in a meal that’s both satisfying and easy to prepare. Here’s how you do it, step by step.

  1. No Pre-Wash Needed: Start by taking your Costco dumplings out of the freezer. No need to wash or thaw; they’re ready to go as is.
  2. Preheat the Air Fryer: Set your air fryer to 375°F. Preheating ensures the dumplings cook evenly and get that perfect crispiness.
  3. Light Oil Coating: Though optional, a light spray of oil on the dumplings can enhance their crispiness. Just a quick spritz is all you need.
  4. Arrange for Air Flow: Place the dumplings in the air fryer basket. Make sure they’re not touching. This space between them is crucial for the air to circulate and cook them evenly.
  5. Seasoning Time: If you’re feeling adventurous, sprinkle some seasonings on your dumplings before cooking. Even just a pinch of salt and pepper can make a difference, but feel free to experiment with your favorite spices.
  6. Cooking: Cook for about 8-10 minutes. Halfway through, give them a flip or a shake. This helps ensure they get evenly crispy on all sides.
  7. Check for Doneness: You’ll know they’re ready when they’re golden and crispy. If they need more time, give them a few extra minutes.
  8. Serve Hot: Enjoy your dumplings straight from the air fryer. Dip them in soy sauce or your favorite dipping sauce for an extra flavor kick.

Why Temperature and Timing Matter

Getting the temperature and timing right is key for that perfect texture. Too low and they’ll be soggy; too high and they might burn. Stick to 375°F and adjust the time based on your air fryer’s specifics and how crispy you like your dumplings.

Arranging Dumplings

Spacing them out in the basket is not just a suggestion; it’s a necessity for crispy, evenly cooked dumplings. Crowding them will steam them instead, and you’ll miss out on that delightful crunch.

Serving and Pairing Ideas

These dumplings are incredibly versatile, making them perfect for a variety of serving and pairing options:

  • As a Main Dish: Serve with a side of steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables for a complete meal.
  • Appetizer or Snack: Perfect as a quick snack or appetizer before the main course. Pair with a variety of dipping sauces for guests to choose from.
  • With Soup: Serve alongside a comforting bowl of miso soup or a hearty vegetable broth for a warming meal.
Air Fryer Costco Dumplings Recipe

How to Reheat Costco Dumplings in the Air Fryer

Reheating dumplings in the air fryer is straightforward and helps retain their crispy texture:

  • Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C).
  • Place the dumplings in the basket, ensuring they’re not overlapping.
  • Heat for about 3-4 minutes, or until they’re hot and crispy again.
  • Serve immediately for the best texture.

Review Of Costco Dumplings in Air Fryer

Cooking Costco dumplings in the air fryer is not just easy; it’s a crowd-pleaser. This method is loved by many for its simplicity and delicious results.

  • Taste: The taste is exceptional, with the air fryer enhancing the dumplings’ natural flavors and adding a delightful crispiness.
  • Texture: The texture is exactly what you hope for in a dumpling: crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside.
  • Preparation: Preparation couldn’t be easier. From freezer to air fryer to table, it’s straightforward with minimal fuss.
  • Versatility: These dumplings are incredibly versatile. Enjoy them as a snack, appetizer, or part of a main dish.
  • Quality: Using Costco dumplings ensures a high-quality meal. They’re known for their great taste and texture.
  • Value: Great value for the money. You get a delicious, convenient meal without breaking the bank.

In short, air frying Costco dumplings is a quick, easy way to enjoy a delicious meal. It’s a method that brings out the best in these dumplings, making them a perfect option for any occasion.

Cooked Air Fryer Costco Dumplings

Tips for Perfect Air Fryer Costco Dumplings

Air frying Costco dumplings offers a healthier, crispier alternative to traditional frying. Here are some tips to get them perfect every time.

  • Preheat Your Air Fryer: Starting with a preheated air fryer ensures the dumplings begin cooking at the ideal temperature, promoting an even crisp.
  • Use a Light Oil Spray: A fine mist of oil enhances crispiness without adding excess fat.
  • Don’t Overcrowd: Space the dumplings apart in the basket to allow hot air to circulate freely, ensuring even cooking and crispiness.
  • Shake or Flip Halfway: This simple step is crucial for that uniform golden color and texture.
  • Experiment with Seasonings: Before cooking, consider tossing the dumplings in a mix of your favorite spices or seasonings to add an extra flavor dimension.
  • Correct Temperature and Timing: Cook at 375°F for about 8-10 minutes. Adjust based on your air fryer model and desired crispiness level.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Overcrowding and skipping the preheat stage are common pitfalls. Adhering to the spacing and preheating advice can dramatically improve outcomes.
  • Troubleshooting: If dumplings aren’t as crispy as desired, extend the cook time by a few minutes. If they start to dry out, you’ve gone too far.

FAQs About Air Fryer Costco Dumplings

How to air fry Costco bulgogi dumplings?

Preheat your air fryer to 375°F. Arrange the bulgogi dumplings in a single layer in the basket, ensuring they don’t touch. Spray lightly with oil. Cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through, until golden and crispy.

How do you cook Costco frozen dumplings?

Place the frozen dumplings in the air fryer basket without thawing. Set the temperature to 375°F and cook for 8-10 minutes. Shake the basket halfway through cooking to ensure even crispiness.

How long do you cook dumplings in the air fryer?

Cook dumplings in the air fryer at 375°F for 8-10 minutes. The exact time may vary depending on the size and filling of the dumplings, so adjust accordingly for a golden and crispy finish.

Can you air fry potstickers from Costco?

Yes, you can air fry potstickers from Costco. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F. Arrange the potstickers in a single layer in the basket, spray lightly with oil, and cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through, until they are crispy and heated through.

Final Words

Making Costco dumplings in the air fryer revolutionizes how we enjoy this classic favorite. It not only brings out an incredible texture and taste but also offers a healthier way to indulge.

The key is to preheat, not overcrowd, and use a touch of oil for that perfect crispy exterior. Remember, the air fryer is your friend in the kitchen, turning simple ingredients into gourmet experiences.

So, experiment with flavors, embrace the process, and most importantly, enjoy every bite of your crispy, delicious dumplings. Here’s to many more air-fried delights in your culinary adventures!

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Costco Dumplings Air Fryer

Costco Dumplings Air Fryer

Costco dumplings air fryer style bring a quick, crispy delight to your table, with a savory filling wrapped in a golden-brown crust. No thawing, no fuss, and ready in minutes for a satisfying snack or meal.

  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: Serves 4


  • 1 package of Costco frozen dumplings (any variety)
  • Cooking spray or a small amount of oil for coating
  • Soy sauce, for serving (optional)
  • Dipping sauce of your choice (optional)

Ingredient Substitutions:

  • For a gluten-free option, choose gluten-free dumplings and serve with tamari instead of soy sauce.


  1. Preparation: Begin by taking the Costco dumplings out of the freezer. There’s no need to thaw them; you can cook them straight from frozen. This simplicity is one of the many reasons I love this recipe.
  2. Preheat Your Air Fryer: Set your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). This optimal temperature ensures the dumplings cook through evenly while achieving that desirable crispy exterior.
  3. Oil Lightly: Although optional, lightly coating the dumplings with a bit of oil or a spray can enhance crispiness. Use a brush or spray to lightly coat them, ensuring they don’t stick to the basket.
  4. Arrange in the Basket: Place the dumplings in the air fryer basket. Make sure they’re not touching; space is key for air circulation, ensuring each dumpling cooks evenly and gets that perfect crisp.
  5. Cooking Time: Cook the dumplings for about 8-10 minutes. Halfway through, give them a gentle shake or use tongs to flip them. This ensures all sides get that golden-brown color and texture.
  6. Check for Readiness: After cooking, check if they’re golden and crispy. Some air fryers might cook faster or slower, so adjust the time accordingly.
  7. Serving: Serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce. Soy sauce, chili sauce, or even a vinegar-based dip works wonderfully.


  • Selecting Dumplings: While any Costco dumplings will do, consider your flavor preferences. They offer a variety, from chicken and vegetable to pork.
  • Seasoning: Before cooking, feel free to season with a light sprinkle of salt or your preferred spice blend for an extra flavor kick.
  • Cooking in Batches: If you’re cooking a large quantity, do it in batches. Crowding the basket will steam the dumplings instead of air frying them.
  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer/Snack
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Asian


  • Serving Size: 5-6 dumplings
  • Calories: 200-250 per serving
  • Sugar: Minimal; varies by sauce used

Keywords: Air Fryer Costco Dumplings

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