Costco Pupusas Air Fryer

Costco Pupusas Air Fryer

Costco pupusas in the air fryer combine convenience with flavor. Originating from El Salvador, these stuffed tortillas have become a quick favorite for many.

By using frozen pupusas from Costco and cooking them in an air fryer, you get a meal that’s both easy to prepare and delicious. This method ensures they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

What Are Pupusas?

Pupusas are traditional Salvadoran stuffed corn tortillas. They’re filled with ingredients like cheese, beans, or pork, making them a popular meal choice for their simple yet satisfying flavors.


Why Choosing Costco Pupusas

Choosing Costco pupusas for an air fryer meal combines tradition with convenience, offering a variety of flavors for a quick, satisfying meal. Here’s why you’ll love using them:

  • Variety of Flavors: Costco stocks a selection of pupusas, including cheese, bean, and pork, catering to different tastes.
  • Specific Brands and Flavors: Look for popular brands like Del Real Foods, which are known for their authentic taste.
  • Health Benefits: Cooking pupusas in an air fryer reduces the need for additional oil, making them a healthier option compared to traditional frying methods.
  • Convenience: Frozen pupusas from Costco are pre-made, saving you preparation time. Plus, cooking them in an air fryer takes just minutes, perfect for quick meals.
Air Fried Costco Pupusas

Also see: Air Fryer Thick Bacon

What You’ll Need

Ingredients for Pupusas

  • Costco pupusas (choose your preferred flavors)
  • Optional toppings or sides (cabbage slaw, salsa, sour cream)

Kitchen Tools

Using ingredients for pupusas from Costco and an air fryer for cooking simplifies meal preparation, offering a delicious and convenient option for any meal. Ensure you have the necessary kitchen tools for a hassle-free cooking experience.

How to Cook Costco Pupusas in an Air Fryer

Preheat air fryer to 375°F. This is the optimal cooking temperature for ensuring your pupusas get a nice crisp exterior while staying soft inside.

Place the frozen pupusas into the air fryer basket. No need to thaw; they cook perfectly from frozen. Make sure they’re not overlapping for even cooking.

Costco Pupusas in an air fryer basket

Cook for about 8-10 minutes. The exact time might vary depending on your air fryer model, so keep an eye on them.

Halfway through cooking, flip the pupusas. This step is crucial for achieving that even crispiness all around.

Once done, let them rest for a minute before serving. This brief waiting period allows the filling to settle, making them easier to handle and eat.

Essential note: If you’re cooking multiple batches, the subsequent batches may cook quicker as the air fryer is already preheated. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

By following these steps, you’ll enjoy perfectly cooked Costco pupusas using this air fryer recipe. It’s a simple and straightforward method that brings out the best in your frozen pupusas, making for a delicious and hassle-free meal.

Tips for Perfect Costco Pupusas

To keep Costco pupusas moist and flavorful, balancing moisture in the masa dough is key. Here’s how to ensure they don’t dry out:

  • Use a light spray of water or oil on the pupusas before cooking to help maintain moisture.
  • Avoid overcooking. Follow the recommended cooking time closely to prevent drying.

When it comes to fillings and toppings, creativity can turn a simple meal into a flavorful meal. Consider these ideas:

  • Add fresh ingredients like avocado or salsa on top for extra flavor.
  • Experiment with different cheeses inside the pupusas for a variety of tastes.

Proper Storage and Reheating

Storing and reheating pupusas correctly is crucial for maintaining their taste and texture:

  • For storing pupusas, cool them down before refrigerating or freezing. Place them in an airtight container to keep them fresh.
  • To reheat pupusas, preheat your air fryer to 350°F. Reheat for a few minutes until they’re warm throughout. This method helps retain their original texture and flavor.

By following these storage and reheating tips, your pupusas will remain delicious days after cooking.

Serving Air Fryer Costco Pupusas

Serving Suggestions

When serving pupusas, pairing them with the right side dishes and sauces can elevate the meal. Here are some ideas:

  • Side dishes: Curtido, a tangy Salvadoran cabbage slaw, and a side of rice complement the flavors well.
  • Traditional sauces: A tomato-based Salvadoran salsa or a creamy cilantro sauce adds moisture and zest.

These combinations turn pupusas into a well-rounded meal idea.

Review Of Costco Pupusas

Costco pupusas are a hit for their ease of preparation and universal appeal. Here’s a closer look:

  • Preparation: They are incredibly easy to cook, making meal prep a breeze.
  • Taste: The flavors are authentic and well-balanced, pleasing to most palates.
  • Texture: The exterior gets satisfyingly crispy in the air fryer, while the inside remains soft.
  • Versatility: They can be served as a main dish or a snack, fitting into any meal plan.
  • Quality: The ingredients taste fresh, and the pupusas hold together well during cooking.
  • Value: For the quality and convenience, they offer great value, especially in bulk from Costco.

In short, Costco pupusas are a reliable, tasty, and versatile option that can satisfy a wide range of taste preferences and dietary needs.

FAQs about Costco Pupusas Air Fryer

The bottom line

We’ve covered how to cook Costco pupusas in the air fryer, from preparation to serving suggestions. This method not only saves time but also brings out the best in these traditional Salvadoran delights.

Whether you’re serving them with a side of curtido or experimenting with various fillings, pupusas offer a versatile and satisfying meal option.

I’d love to hear how you customize your pupusas or any tips you’ve discovered along the way. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments.

Cooking with an air fryer transforms these simple ingredients into a delightful meal that everyone can enjoy.

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

More Easy Costco Air Fryer Recipes:

  1. Costco Corn Dog
  2. Costco Dumplings
  3. Costco Tortilla Crusted Tilapia
  4. Costco Ham and Cheese Pastry
  5. Tyson Rotisserie Chicken Strips Costco
  6. Costco Hot Dog
  7. Costco Chicken Flautas
  8. Costco Salmon
  9. Costco Stuffed Peppers
  10. Costco Chicken Wings
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Costco Pupusas Air Fryer

Costco Pupusas Air Fryer

Cooking Costco pupusas in an air fryer simplifies mealtime, delivering a crispy outside and tender inside. This method offers an effortless way to enjoy a delicious, satisfying dish quickly.

  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings


  • Costco pupusas (choose your preferred flavors)
  • Optional toppings or sides (cabbage slaw, salsa, sour cream)


  1. Preheat air fryer to 375°F. This is the optimal cooking temperature for ensuring your pupusas get a nice crisp exterior while staying soft inside.
  2. Place the frozen pupusas into the air fryer basket. No need to thaw; they cook perfectly from frozen. Make sure they’re not overlapping for even cooking.
  3. Cook for about 5 minutes. The exact time might vary depending on your air fryer model, so keep an eye on them.
  4. Halfway through cooking, flip the pupusas. This step is crucial for achieving that even crispiness all around.
  5. Once done, let them rest for a minute before serving. This brief waiting period allows the filling to settle, making them easier to handle and eat.


If you’re cooking multiple batches, the subsequent batches may cook quicker as the air fryer is already preheated. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Salvadoran
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 2 pupusas
  • Calories: 240
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Sodium: 700mg
  • Fat: 10g
  • Saturated Fat: 2.5g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 29g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 10g
  • Cholesterol: 20mg

Keywords: Costco Pupusas Air Fryer

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