Jose Ole Taquitos in Air Fryer: Quick & Crispy Recipe

Jose Ole Taquitos in Air Fryer

Cooking Jose Ole taquitos in air fryer is a convenient and tasty way to enjoy a healthy meal. If you are looking for an excellent option that brings out their crispy, golden perfection without the extra oil, then Jose Ole taquitos are perfect for you.

Using an air fryer, you can enjoy a healthy taquito recipe that’s quick and easy to prepare. This method ensures that your frozen taquitos in air fryer come out perfectly crispy every time. To air fry Jose Ole frozen taquitos, you get that perfect crispy texture without the extra oil. Another great advantage of using the air fryer is the time savings. Foods cook much faster in the air fryer, making it ideal for quick meals.

Air Fryer Jose Ole Taquitos

Also see my healthy air fryer turkey sausage patties recipe.

What You Need – Ingredients List

To make your taquito preparation smooth, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 pack Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos (20 or 40 count)
  • Optional: Spicy salsa or tasty queso for dipping
Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos
Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos @

Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos are a favorite for family snack time. They feature delicious shredded chicken wrapped in a crunchy corn tortilla. Each taquito is packed with tender, shredded chicken, green chiles, authentic seasonings, and spices, all wrapped in a crispy, oven-baked corn tortilla for the perfect crunch every time. Plus, they’re made with 100% real cheese and contain no artificial flavors. With 6g of protein per serving, they make for a satisfying and tasty treat.

Cooking Equipment

To cook your Jose Ole taquitos in the air fryer, you’ll need the following equipment:

  1. Air fryer
  2. Tongs
  3. Optional: Small bowls for salsa or queso

Preparing the Air Fryer

Before cooking your Jose Ole taquitos in an air fryer, it’s essential to properly prepare the air fryer for even cooking and a crispy texture. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 400°F. Preheating is crucial for ensuring that the taquitos cook evenly and achieve that perfect crispy texture.
  2. Allow the air fryer to preheat for about 3-5 minutes, depending on your specific model.
  3. While preheating, prepare the air fryer basket. Lightly grease the basket with cooking spray to prevent the taquitos from sticking. This step is especially important for achieving even cooking and making clean-up easier.

By taking these steps, you’ll ensure that your frozen Jose Ole taquitos in the air fryer come out perfectly cooked every time.

How to Cook Jose Ole Taquitos in Air Fryer

Now that your air fryer is preheated, it’s time to cook the Jose Ole Taquitos. Follow these steps for a perfect result:

1. Arrange the frozen taquitos in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to ensure even cooking.

Arranging frozen Jose Ole taquitos in a single layer in the basket
Arranging frozen Jose Ole taquitos in a single layer in the basket

2. Set the temperature to 400°F. This temperature is ideal for achieving a crispy texture.

3. Cook the taquitos for 5-7 minutes. Check halfway through the cooking time and shake or flip the taquitos for even browning.

4. Continue cooking until they are golden brown and crispy.

Cooked Jose Ole Taquitos
Cooked Jose Ole Taquitos

Note: Cooking times may vary depending on the air fryer model and the size of the taquitos. Always keep an eye on them to prevent overcooking.

By following these steps, you’ll know exactly how to air fry taquitos to perfection. Enjoy your delicious Jose Ole Chicken and Cheese Taquitos with your favorite dips!

Tips for Perfectly Cooked Jose Ole Taquitos

To achieve the best results with Jose Ole taquitos in an air fryer, here are some additional tips:

  1. Adjust the cooking time: If you prefer extra crispy taquitos, add an additional 1-2 minutes to the cooking time. Keep a close eye to prevent burning.
  2. Avoid overcrowding: Make sure the taquitos are in a single layer in the basket. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking.
  3. Use cooking spray: Lightly spraying the taquitos with cooking spray before cooking can enhance their crispiness.
  4. Troubleshoot sticking: If your taquitos are sticking to the basket, ensure you’ve greased it properly. Also, flipping them halfway through can help prevent sticking.
  5. Adjust for air fryer models: Different air fryer models may vary slightly in cooking time and temperature. Use these taquitos air fryer instructions as a guide and adjust as needed.

By following these tips, you’ll enjoy perfectly cooked Jose Ole chicken taquitos every time.

What to Serve with Jose Ole Taquitos: Serving Suggestions

Pair your Jose Ole beef taquitos with a variety of delicious sides and dipping sauces to enhance your meal:

  • Salsa: A classic choice that adds a fresh, tangy flavor.
  • Guacamole: Creamy and rich, it pairs perfectly with the crunchy taquitos.
  • Sour cream: Adds a cool, creamy contrast to the spicy taquitos.
  • Shredded cheese: Melt some on top of the taquitos for extra flavor.
Serving crispy Jose Ole taquitos with dipping sauces
Serving crispy Jose Ole taquitos with dipping sauces

For a more complete meal, consider serving your taquitos with:

  • Mexican rice: A flavorful side that complements the taquitos well.
  • Refried beans: Adds a hearty component to your meal.
  • Salad: A fresh side to balance the richness of the taquitos.

These serving ideas for taquitos make your meal more enjoyable and satisfying.

Storing and Reheating Jose Ole Taquitos

If you have leftover Jose Ole taquitos, here’s how to store and reheat them to maintain their crispiness:

  1. Storing taquitos: Place leftover taquitos in an airtight container. Store in the fridge for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 2 months.
  2. Reheating taquitos: To reheat, preheat the air fryer to 350°F. Place the taquitos in the air fryer basket in a single layer.
  3. Reheat in the air fryer: Heat for 3-4 minutes if refrigerated or 5-7 minutes if frozen, until they are hot and crispy.

These steps ensure your leftover taquitos come out as delicious and crispy as when they were first cooked.

FAQs on Air Fry Frozen Jose Ole Taquitos

In the Bottom Lines

Using an air fryer to cook Jose Ole taquitos offers numerous benefits. First, it’s incredibly convenient and saves time compared to traditional methods.

You get a crispy, delicious result without the extra oil, making it a healthy snack option. Air frying ensures even cooking and a perfect texture every time.

This method is perfect for those looking for a quick meal that’s both tasty and easy to prepare.

To air fry frozen Jose Ole taquitos or experiment with different brands, the process remains simple and efficient.

Overall, this easy Jose Ole taquitos recipe is a fantastic way to enjoy a flavorful, satisfying snack or meal with minimal effort. Enjoy your taquitos with your favorite dips for an even more delightful experience!

Huge Delicious Air Fryer Snacks and Healthy

It’s great? Check out more at air fryer snack recipes page.

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Jose Ole Taquitos in Air Fryer

Jose Ole Taquitos in Air Fryer

Are you looking for a convenient and delicious way to enjoy taquitos at home? Cooking Jose Ole taquitos in an air fryer is an excellent option that brings out their crispy, golden perfection without the extra oil that comes with traditional frying methods.

  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 pack Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos (20 or 40 count)
  • Optional: Spicy salsa or tasty queso for dipping

Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos


1. Arrange the frozen taquitos in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to ensure even cooking.

Arranging frozen Jose Ole taquitos in a single layer in the basket

2. Set the temperature to 400°F. This temperature is ideal for achieving a crispy texture.

3. Cook the taquitos for 5-7 minutes. Check halfway through the cooking time and shake or flip the taquitos for even browning.

4. Continue cooking until they are golden brown and crispy.

Cooked Jose Ole Taquitos


Cooking times may vary depending on the air fryer model and the size of the taquitos. Always keep an eye on them to prevent overcooking.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 3 minutes
  • Cook Time: 7 minutes
  • Category: Snack
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Mexican
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 3 taquitos
  • Calories: 210
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Sodium: 400mg
  • Fat: 10g
  • Saturated Fat: 2g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 20g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Cholesterol: 25mg

Keywords: air fryer jose ole taquitos, frozen jose ole taquitos

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