The Best Air Fryer Cookbook. 800+ Easy and Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Inside!

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Costco Chicken Nuggets Air Fryer

Costco Chicken Nuggets Air Fryer

Costco Chicken Nuggets air-fried to perfection offer a crunchy exterior with a tender inside, becoming an irresistible, hassle-free snack or meal addition you’ll crave repeatedly.

  • Total Time: 10-12 minutes
  • Yield: Varies depending on package size


  • Costco Chicken Nuggets
  • Cooking spray (optional, for extra crispiness)
  • Your favorite dipping sauce (ketchup, BBQ sauce, honey mustard, etc.)

Ingredient Substitutions:

  • If you prefer a gluten-free option, look for gluten-free labeled chicken nuggets available at Costco or other stores.
  • For a spicier kick, consider tossing the nuggets in a blend of spices before air frying.


  1. Preparation: Start by preheating your air fryer to 400°F (200°C). This ensures the cooking environment is immediately hot and ready for the nuggets, which aids in achieving a crispy exterior.
  2. No Washing Needed: Costco Chicken Nuggets come pre-cooked and frozen, so there’s no need to wash them. This step is crucial as adding wet ingredients directly to the air fryer can affect the cooking process and not give you the crispiness you desire.
  3. Seasoning (Optional): Although these nuggets are flavorful right out of the bag, you can choose to add extra seasonings for a personalized touch. For a simple enhancement, lightly spray the nuggets with cooking spray and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper. For more elaborate flavors, consider tossing the nuggets in a mixture of garlic powder, smoked paprika, and a hint of cayenne pepper before cooking.
  4. Arrange in the Basket: Place the chicken nuggets in a single layer in the air fryer basket. It’s important not to overcrowd them to ensure optimal air circulation around each nugget, which is key to getting them evenly crispy.
  5. Cooking Time: Cook the nuggets for about 7-8 minutes. Then, using tongs, flip each nugget to ensure they brown and crisp up evenly on both sides. Continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes or until they’ve reached your desired level of crispiness.
  6. Temperature and Timing: Cooking at 400°F (200°C) is ideal for achieving a crispy exterior while keeping the inside tender and juicy. The total cooking time should be around 10-12 minutes, but this can vary slightly depending on the air fryer model and the size of the nuggets.
  7. Serving: Serve the chicken nuggets hot from the air fryer. They pair wonderfully with an array of dipping sauces such as ketchup, BBQ sauce, honey mustard, or ranch. Arrange them on a platter with some carrot sticks, celery, and cucumber slices for a balanced and appealing presentation.


  • No Need for Extra Oil: Thanks to the air fryer’s design, these chicken nuggets don’t require additional oil to achieve a crispy texture, making them a healthier option.
  • Spacing is Key: Proper spacing in the air fryer basket is crucial. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and less crispiness.
  • Check for Doneness: Depending on your air fryer model, cooking times may vary. Start checking the nuggets at the 10-minute mark to prevent overcooking.
  • Rest Before Serving: Letting the nuggets rest for a minute or two after cooking can help distribute the heat evenly, making them even more enjoyable to eat.
  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 0 minutes (using pre-cooked, frozen nuggets)
  • Cook Time: 10-12 minutes
  • Category: Main Course, Snack
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: Approximately 4-6 nuggets per person
  • Calories: Varies by brand; refer to the package for specific nutritional information

Keywords: Air Fryer Costco Chicken Nuggets