The Best Air Fryer Cookbook. 800+ Easy and Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Inside!

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Frying Eggs in Air Fryer

Frying Eggs in Air Fryer

Frying eggs in an air fryer has changed my mornings, making it simple to get crispy edges and soft yolks. It’s a straightforward approach for a nutritious, satisfying breakfast.

  • Total Time: 5-7 minutes
  • Yield: Depends on the number of eggs fried


  • Eggs
  • A touch of cooking spray or oil (totally optional)
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • If you’re cutting back on oil, parchment paper works wonders for keeping those eggs from sticking.


  1. Preparation: Start with fresh eggs. The fresher, the better, as they hold their shape and provide the best texture. No need to wash eggs; they’re ready to go as is. However, ensure your air fryer basket is clean and free from any food residue.
  2. Selecting the Right Eggs: Choosing fresh eggs is crucial because they’ll not only taste better but also cook more evenly in the air fryer.
  3. Seasoning: Before you start, consider how you like your eggs. Just a pinch of salt and pepper can be enough for a classic taste. For something more adventurous, you could sprinkle some paprika, garlic powder, or even a little grated cheese on top after cooking.
  4. Variety of Seasoning Options: Simple seasonings work great, but don’t be afraid to experiment. Try a dash of chili flakes for heat, or a sprinkle of herbs for freshness. These seasonings can elevate the natural flavors of the eggs, making them more exciting and tailored to your taste preferences.
  5. Setting Up Your Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 370°F. This is the ideal temperature to ensure your eggs cook evenly without burning.
  6. Placing Eggs in the Basket: If you’re using oil or cooking spray, apply it lightly now. This helps prevent sticking and makes cleanup easier. Crack each egg into a small bowl or cup, then gently slide it into the air fryer basket. This method helps maintain the shape of the egg. Make sure the eggs are spaced apart to allow for proper air circulation, which is key to cooking them evenly.
  7. Cooking Temperature and Time: Cook at 370°F for about 3 to 5 minutes. The exact time will depend on how you like your yolks. Less time for runny yolks, more for firmer yolks. It’s essential to keep an eye on them the first time you try this recipe to find the perfect cooking time for your preferences.
  8. Arranging for Even Cooking: Proper placement in the basket ensures each egg cooks evenly. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking, so give them some space.
  9. Serving: Once done, use a non-metallic spatula or tongs to gently remove the eggs from the basket. Serve immediately on toast, with avocado, or alongside your favorite breakfast foods.


  • Every air fryer is a bit different. You might need to adjust cooking times slightly based on your model.
  • Remember, opening the air fryer during cooking can extend the cooking time. Try to check on the eggs only towards the end of the cooking time.
  • Experiment with different seasonings and find what works best for you. The versatility of this cooking method means you can enjoy a variety of flavors with minimal effort.
  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Cook Time: 3-5 minutes
  • Category: Breakfast/Brunch
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 1 egg
  • Calories: 70 kcal per egg
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Sodium: 70mg
  • Fat: 5g
  • Saturated Fat: 1.5g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 2g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Cholesterol: 185mg

Keywords: Frying Eggs in Air Fryer