The Best Air Fryer Cookbook. 800+ Easy and Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Inside!

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Red Baron Mini Pizza Air Fryer

Red Baron Mini Pizza Air Fryer

Cooking Red Baron mini pizzas in an air fryer combines convenience with the art of making delicious meals. Air frying has gained popularity for its ability to deliver that perfect blend of crispy crust and melty cheese. Red Baron offers a variety of mini pizzas that are perfectly suited for this cooking method. This approach ensures a quick, delightful meal that’s ready in minutes.

  • Total Time: 13 minutes
  • Yield: Serves 4


  • Red Baron Mini Pizzas (11.12 oz box) – As many as you’d like to cook
  • Optional: Oil spray – For added crispiness


  1. Preheat the Air Fryer (if needed): Heat it to 400°F for about 3 minutes. This gets you ready for that crispy crust.
  2. Get the Pizza Ready: Take the pizza out of the freezer. No need to thaw. Add any extra toppings now if you like.
  3. Spray for Extra Crisp (optional): A quick spray on top with oil can make the crust even crispier.
  4. Place in Air Fryer: Put the pizza in the basket. Make sure they don’t touch for even cooking.
  5. Set Time and Temp: Cook at 400°F. Deep dish versions go for 6-8 minutes; thinner ones need 5-7 minutes. Adjust as needed.
  6. Check for Doneness: Look for golden crust and bubbly cheese. Use a spatula to lift and check the bottom.
  7. Cool Before Serving: Let it sit a minute or two. This makes it easier to handle.
  8. Enjoy: Your pizza is ready! Time to enjoy that crispy, cheesy goodness.


When cooking Red Baron Mini Pizzas in the air fryer, remember not to overcrowd the basket to ensure even cooking and a crispy crust. Adjust cooking times based on your air fryer model and pizza thickness. Always check for doneness to avoid overcooking.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 8 minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1 mini pizza
  • Calories: 430 per serving
  • Sugar: 11g
  • Sodium: 1100mg
  • Fat: 20g
  • Saturated Fat: 9g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 48g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 15g
  • Cholesterol: 40mg

Keywords: Air Fryer Red Baron Mini Pizza