Tyson Buffalo Wings Air Fryer: Easy Cooking Steps

Tyson Buffalo Wings Air Fryer

Tyson Buffalo Wings in the Air Fryer bring that irresistible spicy kick with minimal fuss. It’s the snack you’ll crave again and again, making your air fryer an indispensable kitchen ally.

When I first tried making Tyson buffalo wings in my air fryer, it was a game-changer. These wings have always been a favorite for their spicy kick and mouthwatering flavor.

Using the air fryer, though, made them even better. Not only did they come out super crispy, but they were also healthier than the traditional deep-fried method. I was hooked on how quick and easy it was—perfect for when I needed a tasty snack without the hassle.

Trust me, once you try these wings in the air fryer, you won’t want to go back to any other method.

Why You’ll Choose Tyson Buffalo Wings Air Fryer

Cooking Tyson buffalo wings in the air fryer? Best decision you’ll make. Here’s why you’ll fall in love with this recipe:

  • They cook up fast. You get to enjoy those spicy wings without waiting too long.
  • They’re better for you. Less oil means fewer calories but all the flavor.
  • Perfect crispy texture. The air fryer gets them just right, every time.
  • Made for each other. Tyson wings and the air fryer are a match made in heaven, locking in that spicy flavor beautifully.
Tyson Frozen Pre Cooked Chicken Wings in Air Fryer

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Tyson Buffalo Wings Air Fryer

Tyson Buffalo Wings Air Fryer

Tyson Buffalo Wings in the Air Fryer bring that irresistible spicy kick with minimal fuss. It’s the snack you’ll crave again and again, making your air fryer an indispensable kitchen ally.

  • Total Time: 25-30 minutes
  • Yield: Varies depending on the package size


  • 1 bag of Tyson buffalo wings (keep them frozen until you’re ready)
  • Your favorite dipping sauce, like ranch or blue cheese
  • Celery sticks, if you’re feeling fancy

If you want to mix it up:

  • Not into buffalo? Try Tyson’s honey BBQ wings instead.
  • Dairy-free? There are great plant-based dressings out there.


1. Preparation:

  • Begin by preheating your air fryer to 400°F. This ensures a hot environment right from the start, which is key for crispy wings.
  • While the air fryer heats, take your Tyson buffalo wings out of the freezer. No need to thaw; they cook beautifully straight from frozen.

2. Arranging the Wings:

  • Arrange the frozen wings in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to ensure each wing gets hit with enough hot air to crisp up.
  • It’s okay if the wings are touching slightly, but good air circulation is crucial. If necessary, cook in batches to maintain spacing.

3. Cooking Time and Temperature:

  • Cook the wings at 400°F for about 20-25 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time, open the air fryer and flip the wings using tongs. This ensures they cook evenly and get crispy on all sides.
  • The exact cooking time might vary slightly based on your air fryer model, so keep an eye on them towards the end.

4. Checking for Doneness:

  • You’ll know the wings are done when they’re visibly crispy and a deep golden brown. If you have a meat thermometer, the internal temperature should reach 165°F.

5. Serving:

  • Once cooked, let the wings rest for a couple of minutes before serving. This little break lets the juices settle, making each bite juicier.
  • Serve your crispy buffalo wings with sides of celery sticks and your choice of blue cheese or ranch dressing for dipping.


  • Seasoning: Since Tyson buffalo wings come pre-seasoned, you don’t need to add any additional spices before cooking. However, if you’re using a plain variety, feel free to toss them in your favorite seasonings or sauces after cooking.
  • Variety of Seasonings: Experimenting with different seasonings and sauces post-cooking can add an exciting twist to your wings. From a simple sprinkle of salt and pepper to tossing them in a homemade marinade, the possibilities are endless.
  • Importance of Air Circulation: Proper placement in the air fryer basket is crucial. Good air flow ensures the wings cook evenly and get that desirable crispy texture.
  • Adjusting Cooking Times: Keep in mind that cooking times may vary slightly based on the size of the wings and the specific model of your air fryer. It’s always a good idea to check the wings a few minutes before the timer goes off to prevent overcooking.
  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes (to preheat the air fryer)
  • Cook Time: 20-25 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer/Snack
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 4-5 wings
  • Calories: Approximately 210 calories per serving (varies by coating and additional sauces)
  • Sugar: 0g (varies by sauce used)
  • Sodium: Approximately 800mg (varies by sauce used)
  • Fat: 14g
  • Saturated Fat: 3.5g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 20g
  • Cholesterol: 85mg

Keywords: tyson frozen pre cooked chicken wings in air fryer

See more: Air Fryer Turkey Legs

Equipment Needed

Here’s what you need to make magic happen:

  • Air Fryer
  • Tongs
  • A plate for serving
  • Some paper towels for any extra grease

Let’s keep things easy and enjoyable, just how cooking should be.

How to Reheat Tyson Buffalo Wings in the Air Fryer

Reheating Tyson buffalo wings in the air fryer revives their crispiness and flavor, making them almost as good as fresh.

  • Preheat the Air Fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 350°F. This helps ensure the wings heat evenly.
  • Arrange the Wings: Place the leftover wings in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Like before, avoid overcrowding for the best texture.
  • Reheat: Cook the wings for about 5-6 minutes, flipping them halfway through the reheating time. The goal is to warm them thoroughly while bringing back the crispiness.
  • Check Temperature: If possible, use a meat thermometer to check that the wings have reached an internal temperature of 165°F, ensuring they are safe to eat.
  • Serve Immediately: Once reheated to perfection, serve the wings right away for the best taste and texture.

Serving and Pairing Ideas

Pairing and serving Tyson buffalo wings can turn them from a simple snack into a meal centerpiece. Here are some suggestions:

  • Main/Side Dishes: Serve these spicy wings alongside a fresh coleslaw, a creamy potato salad, or some crispy sweet potato fries for a satisfying meal.
  • Creative Serving: For a party platter, arrange the wings on a large serving dish surrounded by an assortment of dips, celery sticks, carrot sticks, and cucumber slices for some cool, crunchy contrast.
Tyson Buffalo Wings Air Fryer Recipe

Tips for Perfect Air Fryer Tyson Buffalo Wings

Making Tyson buffalo wings in the air fryer offers a deliciously crispy alternative to traditional frying. Here’s how to ensure they turn out great every time:

  • Preheat Your Air Fryer: Starting with a preheated air fryer ensures the wings start cooking at the right temperature for perfect crispiness.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Space out the wings in the basket to allow hot air to circulate freely, ensuring even cooking and crispiness on all sides.
  • Flip Halfway Through: Turning the wings halfway through the cooking process promotes an even crisp and avoids any soggy spots.
  • Check Internal Temperature: For safety and doneness, ensure the wings reach an internal temperature of 165°F.
  • Troubleshooting Tips: If wings aren’t as crispy as desired, increase cook time by a few minutes. If they’re drying out, lower the air fryer temperature and check them more frequently.
  • Best Practices: Regularly cleaning your air fryer and checking its temperature accuracy can lead to better cooking results.
  • Time and Temperature: Cooking at 400°F for 20-25 minutes is optimal, but adjust based on your air fryer model and desired crispiness.

See more: Air Fryer Chicken Livers


Can I cook Tyson Buffalo Wings from frozen in the air fryer?

Yes, you can cook Tyson Buffalo Wings straight from frozen in the air fryer. There’s no need to thaw them beforehand.

How long should I cook Tyson Buffalo Wings in the air fryer?

Cook Tyson Buffalo Wings in the air fryer at 400°F for about 20-25 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking time.

Do I need to oil the wings before air frying?

No, you do not need to oil Tyson Buffalo Wings before air frying since they already contain a coating that crisps up in the air fryer.

How can I make sure the wings are cooked evenly?

Ensure the wings are spread out in a single layer with some space between them for optimal air circulation, and flip them halfway through cooking.

Can I reheat leftover wings in the air fryer?

Yes, you can reheat leftover wings in the air fryer at 350°F for 5-6 minutes, flipping them halfway through, until they’re thoroughly warmed and crispy.

Final Words

Switching to air frying Tyson buffalo wings not only makes for a quicker and easier cooking process but also results in a healthier, crispy treat. Remember, the key to perfect wings is not rushing the process.

Give them space, flip them for even cooking, and don’t be afraid to experiment with cooking times slightly to find what works best with your air fryer.

Most importantly, enjoy the process and feel free to experiment with different sauces and seasonings post-cooking. Happy air frying!

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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