Air Fryer Chocolate Chip Cookies

Air Fryer Chocolate Chip Cookies

Discover the art of baking cookies in an air fryer: Crispy edges, soft centers, and a quick baking time.

Why Air Fryer?

Why choose an air fryer for cookies? It preheats quickly, uses less energy, and bakes cookies evenly for that perfect chewy center and crispy edge every time.

Advantages of Air Fryer Baking

- Quick preheat time - Even baking with no need to rotate - Energy efficient - Perfect for small batches

Benefits of Baking Cookies in an Air Fryer:


Start with basics: flour, sugar, butter, eggs, chocolate chips, and a pinch of love. Measure and prepare for irresistible cookies.

Gather Your Ingredients

Mixing Dough

Cream together butter and sugars until fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla, then fold in flour, baking soda, and chocolate chips. The dough should be thick and chunky.

Shaping Cookies

Roll dough into small balls. Space them apart on a parchment-lined air fryer basket. This ensures even baking and perfect cookie shape.

Shape Your Cookies

Baking Time

Bake at 350°F for 8-10 minutes. Watch for golden edges and soft centers. Let them cool for a crispy exterior and gooey interior.

Enjoy Your Cookies

Enjoy your delicious air fryer chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk or as a treat any time of the day.

Savor the Moment