Costco Chicken Flautas Air Fryer

Costco Chicken Flautas Air Fryer

Costco chicken flautas cooked in an air fryer provide a mouthwatering option for those looking for a quick and delicious meal. Originating from Mexican cuisine, flautas are traditionally deep-fried to achieve their signature crispy texture.

However, using an air fryer for these Costco chicken flautas not only maintains that desired crunch but also offers a healthier alternative by reducing oil usage. This cooking method enhances the flavors while minimizing fat content, making it a special treat for any day of the week.

Why You’ll Choose Costco Chicken Flautas Air Fryer

Costco Chicken Flautas cooked in an air fryer are the perfect blend of convenience and taste, offering a crispy texture without the heaviness of oil. Here’s why you’ll love this recipe:

  • Quicker Cooking Time: Air frying significantly reduces cooking time compared to traditional oven baking or deep frying.
  • Nutritional Benefits: Using an air fryer reduces the oil content, making these flautas a lighter, healthier option without sacrificing flavor.
  • Ideal for Air Frying: The compact size and ingredients of flautas make them perfect for air frying, ensuring even cooking and a crispy finish.
  • Convenient and Easy: Perfect for a quick meal or snack, these flautas from Costco come pre-prepared, so all you need to do is heat them in the air fryer.
  • Versatile Meal: Serve them as a main dish, appetizer, or a party snack. They’re bound to be a hit regardless of the occasion.
  • Compatibility with Air Frying: Air frying these flautas preserves their texture and taste, making them just as delicious as the traditional method but healthier.
Costco Chicken Flautas Air Fryer Recipe

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What Do You Need for Cook

Essential Ingredients

Since we’re using Costco chicken flautas, the ingredients are already prepared for you. However, if you’d like to complement them or make a homemade version, here are some ingredients you might need:

  • Costco Chicken Flautas
  • Your choice of dipping sauces (e.g., guacamole, sour cream, salsa)

Suggestions for ingredient substitutions:

  • For a vegetarian option: Look for vegetable flautas at Costco or your local grocery store.
  • Dipping sauces: Feel free to use any preferred sauces or even a homemade salsa to add a personal touch.

Equipment Needed

Air Fryer: The air fryer is essential for this recipe, offering a way to achieve the perfect crispy texture without the need for deep frying. Suitable for small to large kitchens, it’s compact, easy to use, and cleans up in a snap.

How to Cook Costco Chicken Flautas in the Air Fryer

Cooking Costco Chicken Flautas in the air fryer is straightforward and yields delicious results. Here’s how to do it step by step:

  1. Preparation: Since Costco Chicken Flautas are pre-made, there’s no need for washing, drying, or slicing. Simply remove the flautas from the packaging.
  2. Selecting the Right Flautas: Choosing high-quality flautas from Costco ensures they are flavorful and will cook well. Look for flautas with a tightly wrapped tortilla and well-distributed filling.
  3. Seasoning (Optional): While not necessary due to the pre-seasoned nature of Costco’s flautas, you can enhance their flavor with a light sprinkle of chili powder or cumin before cooking if desired.
  4. Preheating: Preheat your air fryer to 400°F to ensure the flautas start cooking at an optimal temperature for crisping.
  5. Arranging the Flautas: Place the flautas in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring there is space between each for air to circulate. This step is crucial for achieving an even, crispy texture.
  6. Cooking Temperature and Time: Cook at 400°F for 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through. The high temperature ensures the exterior gets crispy while the filling heats thoroughly.
  7. Importance of Cooking Temperature and Time: The chosen temperature and duration are key for achieving the perfect balance between a crispy exterior and a hot, flavorful interior without drying out the flautas.
  8. Even Cooking and Crisping: By arranging the flautas properly and flipping them halfway, you ensure that each piece cooks evenly, achieving a uniformly crispy texture.

How to Reheat Costco Chicken Flautas in the Air Fryer

Reheating Costco chicken flautas in the air fryer restores their original crispiness and warmth, making them just as delicious as when first cooked. Here’s how to do it:

  • Preheat the Air Fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 350°F. This ensures the flautas will reheat evenly.
  • Place Flautas in the Basket: Arrange the flautas in the air fryer basket in a single layer, ensuring they are not touching to allow air circulation.
  • Reheat: Cook the flautas for about 3-5 minutes. There’s no need to flip them halfway through as the air circulation in the fryer should reheat them evenly.
  • Check for Doneness: After reheating, check to ensure they are heated to your liking. The exact time may vary depending on the air fryer model and the number of flautas being reheated.

Serving and Pairing Ideas

Costco chicken flautas can be serve as a main dish, appetizer, or snack. They pair wonderfully with a variety of sides and dips. Here are some ideas:

  • Main/Side Dishes: Serve alongside a fresh green salad, Mexican rice, or refried beans for a complete meal.
  • Dips: Offer a selection of guacamole, salsa, queso, or sour cream for dipping.
  • Creative Serving Ideas: Cut the flautas into smaller pieces and serve them as appetizers at a party. You can also top them with shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, and a drizzle of crema for a more dressed-up presentation.
Air Fryer Costco Chicken Flautas Recipe

Review Of Air Fryer Costco Chicken Flautas Recipe

Costco Chicken Flautas are incredibly easy to prepare and are a hit among those looking for a quick, tasty meal option. Here’s a detailed review:

  • Taste: The flautas have a savory, well-seasoned chicken filling that’s both delicious and satisfying. The spices are well balanced, making them a crowd-pleaser.
  • Texture: Air frying delivers a crispy exterior while keeping the interior tender and juicy. The contrast between the crunchy tortilla and the soft filling is perfect.
  • Preparation: One of the simplest meals to prepare, requiring minimal effort—just heat and serve. Ideal for busy days or when you need a quick snack.
  • Versatility: These flautas are great on their own or with dips. They can be cut into smaller pieces for appetizers or served as part of a larger meal with sides.
  • Quality: Costco is known for its high-quality products, and their chicken flautas are no exception. They’re consistently good, with high-quality ingredients.
  • Value: Offering a good amount of servings per package, Costco’s chicken flautas represent excellent value, especially considering the convenience and quality of the product.

In short, Costco Chicken Flautas cooked in an air fryer are a testament to the convenience and deliciousness of modern cooking methods, combining ease of preparation with delightful taste and texture.

Air Fryer Costco Chicken Flautas

Tips for Perfect Air Fryer Costco Chicken Flautas

Cooking Costco Chicken Flautas in the air fryer not only offers a crispy alternative to traditional frying methods but also simplifies the cooking process. Here are some tips to ensure perfection every time:

  • Preheat the Air Fryer: Always start with a preheated air fryer for consistent cooking and an evenly crispy exterior.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Place flautas in a single layer with space between them. This ensures hot air circulates freely, crisping every side.
  • Maximizing Flavor and Crispiness: For an extra flavor kick, lightly spray the flautas with oil and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings before cooking.
  • Common Mistakes: Avoid using too much oil, as this can make the flautas soggy instead of crispy. Also, make sure not to undercook; the goal is a golden-brown exterior.
  • Troubleshooting: If flautas aren’t crisping up, increase the cooking time slightly or ensure the air fryer isn’t overloaded. Flipping halfway through cooking promotes even browning.
  • Best Practices: Cleaning your air fryer after each use prevents smoke and ensures it performs well. Experiment with cooking times and temperatures based on your air fryer model.
  • Time and Temperature Settings: The ideal setting is usually 400°F for about 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through. Adjust as needed based on your specific air fryer.

More Costco air fryer recipes at: Costco Chicken BakeCostco Salmon, Costco Stuffed Peppers, Costco Chicken NuggetsCostco French Bread PizzaCostco Chicken MeltsCostco QuesadillasCostco Mini Egg Rolls.

FAQs about Air Fryer Costco Chicken Flautas

How long do you cook Costco flautas in the air fryer?

Cook Costco flautas in the air fryer at 400°F for 8-10 minutes, flipping them halfway through to ensure an even, crispy texture.

Are Costco flautas fully cooked?

Yes, Costco flautas are pre-cooked, requiring only reheating in the air fryer to achieve a crispy exterior and warm center.

What’s the difference between a flauta and a taquito?

The main difference lies in the tortilla: flautas are typically made with flour tortillas, while taquitos are rolled with corn tortillas. Both are filled with meat or cheese before being fried.

How do you reheat flautas in an air fryer?

To reheat flautas in an air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 350°F and cook the flautas for 3-5 minutes until they are heated through and crispy.

Final Words

Choosing to cook Costco Chicken Flautas in the air fryer brings a host of benefits: you get a meal that’s not only quick and easy to prepare but also healthier and just as delicious as traditional frying methods.

This cooking technique ensures a crispy exterior while keeping the inside tender and flavorful. Remember, the key to perfect flautas is not just in following the recipe but also in allowing yourself to experiment with flavors and enjoy the cooking process.

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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Costco Chicken Flautas Air Fryer

Costco Chicken Flautas Air Fryer

Costco chicken flautas cooked in an air fryer provide a mouthwatering option for those looking for a quick and delicious meal. Originating from Mexican cuisine, flautas are traditionally deep-fried to achieve their signature crispy texture.

  • Total Time: 8-10 minutes
  • Yield: Varies depending on package size


  • Costco Chicken Flautas
  • Your choice of dipping sauces (e.g., guacamole, sour cream, salsa)

Suggestions for ingredient substitutions:

  • For a vegetarian option: Look for vegetable flautas at Costco or your local grocery store.
  • Dipping sauces: Feel free to use any preferred sauces or even a homemade salsa to add a personal touch.


  1. Preparation: Since Costco chicken flautas are pre-prepared, there’s minimal prep work involved. However, if you’re serving them with any homemade dips or side dishes, prepare these first. For dips like guacamole or salsa, chop and mix the ingredients, and set aside.
  2. Preheat Your Air Fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 400°F. This step is crucial as it ensures the flautas will start cooking at the right temperature from the moment they’re placed in the basket, promoting an even and crispy texture.
  3. Arranging the Flautas: Place the Costco chicken flautas in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding to ensure each flauta has enough space around it for the air to circulate freely. This step is vital for achieving a crispy exterior on all sides. If necessary, cook in batches depending on the size of your air fryer.
  4. Cooking Time and Temperature: Cook the flautas at 400°F for about 8-10 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time, gently flip them to ensure they are evenly crisped.
  5. Importance of the Right Temperature: Cooking at 400°F is optimal for getting that perfect crispiness without drying out the filling. It’s a delicate balance where the high heat works quickly to crisp the exterior while the interior becomes hot and flavorful.
  6. Ensuring Even Cooking: Flipping the flautas halfway through is essential for even cooking. This action ensures that both sides get direct exposure to the heating element, promoting a uniform texture and color.
  7. Serving: Once the flautas are golden brown and crispy, carefully remove them from the air fryer. Let them cool for a couple of minutes before serving with your prepared dipping sauces. This short resting time allows the exterior to set and become even crispier.
  8. Serving Ideas: Offer a variety of dipping sauces to choose from, such as guacamole, salsa, sour cream, or a spicy mayo. Serving them on a platter with lime wedges and fresh cilantro can add a refreshing contrast to the rich, crispy flautas.


  • Selecting the Right Flautas: Choosing Costco chicken flautas means you’re looking for convenience without sacrificing taste. However, ensure they’re fresh by checking the best before date when purchasing.
  • Seasoning: These flautas come pre-seasoned, simplifying the cooking process. If you wish to add more flavor, consider sprinkling them with a bit of chili powder or cumin before cooking. But remember, a little goes a long way.
  • Cooking in Batches: If you’re preparing for a large group, cooking in batches is the way to go. This method ensures each flauta cooks evenly and remains crispy.
  • Adjustments for Air Fryer Models: Cooking times may vary slightly depending on your air fryer model. Start checking for doneness at the 8-minute mark to prevent overcooking.
  • Safety: Always use tongs or a similar utensil to remove the flautas from the air fryer, as they and the appliance will be very hot.
  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 0 minutes (using pre-made Costco flautas)
  • Cook Time: 8-10 minutes
  • Category: Main Dish/Appetizer
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Mexican


  • Serving Size: Typically, 1-2 flautas per person
  • Calories: Varies depending on the brand and serving size; refer to the package for specific nutritional information.
  • Sugar: Varies

Keywords: Air Fryer Costco Chicken Flautas

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