Thick Bacon in Air Fryer

air fryer thick bacon

Cooking thick bacon in an air fryer is straightforward and efficient. It’s a simple way to achieve crispy bacon without the mess of traditional frying. This method highlights the ease and convenience of air fryer bacon benefits. If you’re on the hunt for easy air fryer recipes, this one’s a keeper.

Why Choose Air Fryer for Thick Bacon

Using an air fryer for thick bacon makes the cooking process easier and yields great results:

  • Air fryer advantages: Enables even cooking and perfect crispness without needing to turn the bacon.
  • Healthier bacon cooking: The design allows fat to drip off, resulting in reduced fat bacon.
  • Air fryer bacon crispiness: You get evenly cooked, crispy bacon every time.
  • Quick bacon cooking: It cooks bacon faster than traditional methods.
  • Efficiency and ease of cleaning: The air fryer is easy to clean, making it a convenient option for daily use.
Thick Bacon in Air Fryer

Also see: Air Fryer Morningstar Black Bean Burger

Ingredients List

  • 1 lb thick-cut bacon, no additional oil required

Preparing Your Bacon for the Air Fryer


To ensure your bacon fits perfectly, cut the slices in half or fold them to match the size of your air fryer basket. This step ensures even cooking and maximizes space.

Preheating Your Air Fryer

Always start by preheating your air fryer to the recommended cooking temperature. This ensures your bacon starts cooking at the right temperature for optimal texture and air fryer bacon crispiness.

How to Cook Thick Bacon in the Air Fryer

Preheat your air fryer to 400°F. This cooking temperature ensures your thick bacon cooks evenly and becomes perfectly crispy.

While the air fryer heats, arrange the thick-cut bacon in a single layer in the basket. If needed, cut or fold the slices to fit. Avoid overlapping for even cooking.

Thick Bacon in an Air Fryer Basket for Cook

Cook the bacon for 8 minutes. This cooking time is ideal for achieving perfect air fryer bacon. Adjust time if you prefer your bacon more or less crispy.

Halfway through, check the bacon. If it’s cooking unevenly, you may want to shuffle the slices around for uniform crispiness.

Once done, use tongs to carefully remove the bacon from the air fryer. Place it on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up excess fat.

Checking bacon doneness: Look for a golden brown color and a crispy texture. Adjust your cooking time based on your first batch to tailor it to your taste for future cooking.

Essential Note: Air fryer models can vary, so the first time you try this thick bacon air fryer recipe, keep an eye on the cooking time and adjust as necessary for your desired bacon crispiness.

Serving and Storage Tips

When it comes to serving air fryer bacon, the key is timing. Serve it fresh and hot straight from the air fryer for the best texture and flavor.

For storage tips, let the bacon cool down completely before storing. This ensures it keeps its crispiness.

Reheating bacon can be done in the air fryer at 350°F for 1-2 minutes. It brings back the crispiness as if it was just cooked.

In terms of bacon serving suggestions, think beyond breakfast. Chop it into salads, sprinkle over soups, or add it to your burgers for a crispy twist.

serving air fryer bacon

Bacon dishes can range from savory breakfast plates to adding a salty, crunchy element to sweet desserts like bacon-topped donuts.

For storing bacon, wrap it tightly in foil or a zip-lock bag and keep it in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

When reheating bacon, ensure it’s spread out in the air fryer basket to prevent overlapping, which helps maintain its crispy texture.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Facing issues with troubleshooting air fryer bacon? If you find your bacon cooking unevenly, try shaking the basket halfway through the cooking time.

For even bacon cooking, laying the strips side by side without overlap is crucial.

To solve uneven cooking, make sure the air fryer isn’t overloaded. Air circulation is key to cooking bacon evenly.

Preventing air fryer smoke when cooking high-fat foods like bacon involves adding a little water to the drawer beneath the basket. This helps to catch grease and prevent smoke.

For smokeless bacon cooking, keep an eye on your bacon as it cooks. If you notice any smoke, reduce the temperature slightly and check for grease build-up in the bottom tray.

Remember, cooking perfect bacon in your air fryer is about finding the right balance of temperature, timing, and technique. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying delicious, crispy bacon every time.

FAQs about Air Fryer Thick Bacon

Final Words

In this guide, we’ve walked through the steps for making perfect thick bacon in an air fryer. We’ve covered everything from prep to serving, ensuring you achieve that desirable crispiness every time.

Remember, experimenting with cooking times can help you find your preferred level of crispiness.

Feel free to share how it turned out for you or any variations you tried in the comments.

Your feedback helps everyone make breakfast a bit more exciting!

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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air fryer thick bacon

Thick Bacon in Air Fryer

Cooking thick bacon in the air fryer is straightforward and efficient. It’s a fast way to achieve crispy bacon without the grease splatter. Place the bacon in the basket, set the air fryer, and in minutes, you get perfect bacon every time.

  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 lb thick-cut bacon, no additional oil required


  1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F. This cooking temperature ensures your thick bacon cooks evenly and becomes perfectly crispy.
  2. While the air fryer heats, arrange the thick-cut bacon in a single layer in the basket. If needed, cut or fold the slices to fit. Avoid overlapping for even cooking.
  3. Cook the bacon for 8 minutes. This cooking time is ideal for achieving perfect air fryer bacon. Adjust time if you prefer your bacon more or less crispy.
  4. Halfway through, check the bacon. If it’s cooking unevenly, you may want to shuffle the slices around for uniform crispiness.
  5. Once done, use tongs to carefully remove the bacon from the air fryer. Place it on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up excess fat.
  6. Checking bacon doneness: Look for a golden brown color and a crispy texture. Adjust your cooking time based on your first batch to tailor it to your taste for future cooking.


Air fryer models can vary, so the first time you try this thick bacon air fryer recipe, keep an eye on the cooking time and adjust as necessary for your desired bacon crispiness.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Cook Time: 8 minutes
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 2 slices
  • Calories: 120 kcal per serving
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Sodium: 190mg
  • Fat: 9g
  • Saturated Fat: 3g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 5g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 8g
  • Cholesterol: 24mg

Keywords: Air Fryer Thick Bacon

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