Air Fryer Frozen Bacon-Wrapped Scallops: Easy Appetizer Recipe

Air Fryer Frozen Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

Air fryer frozen bacon-wrapped scallops are one of my favorite appetizers. This easy appetizer is perfect for impressing guests without spending hours in the kitchen.

The quick recipe delivers a delightful combination of flavors and textures, making it a sure crowd-pleaser. Plus, using the air fryer means less mess and more convenience.

Serving bacon-wrapped scallops with lemon wedges and dipping sauce

Essential Ingredients

For this recipe, you only need a few basic items. Here’s a list of the ingredients for air fryer bacon-wrapped scallops:

  • 12 frozen bacon-wrapped scallops
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

These frozen scallops are wrapped in bacon and ready to go. You can find them at most grocery stores, often in the frozen seafood section.

Necessary Cooking Tools

Here’s what you’ll need to prepare your air fryer bacon-wrapped scallops:

Having these tools on hand will ensure you get the best results when cooking your delicious appetizer.

How to Cook Frozen Bacon-Wrapped Scallops in an Air Fryer

Here’s a step-by-step cooking guide to help you cook bacon-wrapped scallops in an air fryer with ease:

1. Preheat the air fryer: Set your air fryer to 400°F (200°C). Preheating ensures even cooking and crispiness.

2. Prepare the scallops: Take your frozen bacon-wrapped scallops out of the package. If you want to add extra flavor, lightly coat them with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper.

Preparing frozen bacon-wrapped scallops
Seasoning bacon-wrapped scallops with olive oil and spices

3. Arrange in the basket: Place the scallops in the air fryer basket. Make sure they don’t touch each other to allow for proper air circulation and even cooking.

Arranging bacon-wrapped scallops in the air fryer basket

4. Cook: Cook the scallops for 10-15 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time (around 5-7 minutes), flip the scallops using tongs to ensure both sides get crispy and evenly cooked.

Flipping bacon-wrapped scallops halfway through cooking

5. Check for doneness: After 10-15 minutes, check the scallops’ internal temperature. They should reach 130°F to ensure they are cooked through but still juicy. If you don’t have a meat thermometer, look for the scallops to be opaque and the bacon to be crispy.

Essential Note: Cooking times may vary depending on your air fryer model and the size of the scallops. Always check for doneness a few minutes before the recommended cooking time to avoid overcooking.

These air fryer instructions will help you make a delicious and impressive appetizer every time.

Tips for Perfect Air Fryer Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

To achieve perfect bacon-wrapped scallops, keep these air fryer tips in mind:

  • Preheat the air fryer: Always preheat your air fryer to 400°F. This helps ensure even cooking and a crispy exterior.
  • Space them out: Place the scallops in the basket without letting them touch. Proper spacing allows hot air to circulate evenly around each scallop.
  • Use a meat thermometer: Checking the internal temperature ensures the scallops are cooked to perfection. Aim for 130°F for tender, juicy scallops.
  • Flip halfway through: Turn the scallops over halfway through cooking to achieve uniform crispiness on all sides.

These cooking tips will help you get the best results every time you use your air fryer.

Serving Suggestions

Wondering what to serve with scallops? Here are some ideas for serving bacon-wrapped scallops:

  • Dipping sauces: Serve with a variety of sauces like garlic butter, lemon aioli, or spicy mayo for extra flavor.
  • Lemon wedges: Fresh lemon wedges add a zesty brightness that complements the rich taste of the scallops.
  • Surf-and-turf: Pair your scallops with a juicy steak for a classic surf-and-turf meal.
  • Salad or vegetables: Serve alongside a fresh green salad or roasted vegetables for a balanced meal.

These serving suggestions enhance the taste and presentation of your bacon-wrapped scallops.

Storage and Reheating

If you have any leftover scallops, here’s how to store and reheat them to maintain their deliciousness:

  • Storing bacon-wrapped scallops: Place the leftovers in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. They will stay fresh for up to 3 days.
  • Reheating scallops: To reheat, set your air fryer to 350°F. Place the scallops in the basket and heat for 3-5 minutes until they are warmed through and the bacon is crispy again.

Following these steps ensures your reheating scallops process retains their flavor and texture, so you can enjoy them just as much the second time around.

FAQs about Air Fryer Frozen Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

In the Bottom Lines

This easy bacon-wrapped scallops recipe is a fantastic choice for a quick and impressive appetizer.

Using the air fryer makes these air fryer appetizers simple to prepare with minimal mess. The combination of crispy bacon and tender scallops is sure to delight everyone.

With just a few ingredients and steps, you can create a quick and delicious dish that’s perfect for any occasion. I would like you to try this recipe and enjoy the tasty results.

More Easy and Healthy Air Fryer Recipes

See all in at KitGiz for Air Fryer recipes.

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Air Fryer Frozen Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

Air Fryer Frozen Bacon-Wrapped Scallops

Air fryer frozen bacon-wrapped scallops are one of my favorite appetizers. This easy appetizer is perfect for impressing guests without spending hours in the kitchen.

  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 12 bacon-wrapped scallops 1x


  • 12 frozen bacon-wrapped scallops
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


1. Preheat the air fryer: Set your air fryer to 400°F (200°C). Preheating ensures even cooking and crispiness.

2. Prepare the scallops: Take your frozen bacon-wrapped scallops out of the package. If you want to add extra flavor, lightly coat them with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper.

Preparing frozen bacon-wrapped scallops

3. Arrange in the basket: Place the scallops in the air fryer basket. Make sure they don’t touch each other to allow for proper air circulation and even cooking.

Arranging bacon-wrapped scallops in the air fryer basket

4. Cook: Cook the scallops for 10-15 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time (around 5-7 minutes), flip the scallops using tongs to ensure both sides get crispy and evenly cooked.

Flipping bacon-wrapped scallops halfway through cooking

5. Check for doneness: After 10-15 minutes, check the scallops’ internal temperature. They should reach 130°F to ensure they are cooked through but still juicy. If you don’t have a meat thermometer, look for the scallops to be opaque and the bacon to be crispy.


Cooking times may vary depending on your air fryer model and the size of the scallops. Always check for doneness a few minutes before the recommended cooking time to avoid overcooking.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 2 scallops
  • Calories: 150
  • Sugar: 0g
  • Sodium: 450mg
  • Fat: 10g
  • Saturated Fat: 3g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 7g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 1g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 12g
  • Cholesterol: 35mg

Keywords: Air fryer frozen bacon-wrapped scallops

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