Healthy Air Fryer Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus in 20 Minutes

air fryer prosciutto wrapped asparagus

Who doesn’t love air fryer prosciutto wrapped asparagus? It’s a quick and tasty dish. Just wrap asparagus with prosciutto and cook in the air fryer for 10 minutes at 375°F. It’s super simple and makes a great appetizer or side dish. Trust me, you’ll love it!

It’s a quick and delicious dish that’s perfect for those who are looking for a healthy side dish at dinner. The combination of tender asparagus and savory prosciutto creates a delightful flavor that everyone will enjoy.

Using an air fryer simplifies the cooking process, ensuring crisp results with minimal effort. This easy air fryer recipe is perfect for busy weeknights or impressing guests at a dinner party.

serving air fried prosciutto wrapped asparagus

Also see: Easy Air Fryer Coconut Chicken Tenders Recipe

Necessary Ingredients

For this recipe, you’ll need:

  • 1 pound of asparagus (trimmed)
  • 8 slices of prosciutto
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Optional: black pepper to taste
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Cooking Equipment

Here’s what you’ll need to make this recipe:

  1. Air fryer
  2. Cutting board
  3. Knife
  4. Tongs
  5. Basting brush (optional)

Next, I’ll guide you through the preparation steps to ensure your prosciutto wrapped asparagus turns out perfect.

How to Cook Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus In Air Fryer

Prepping the Asparagus

1. Trim the Woody Ends: To start, trim about an inch off the woody ends of the asparagus. This part is tough and not pleasant to eat. Trimming asparagus ensures even cooking and a tender texture.

trimming asparagus woody ends

2. Prepping for Air Fryer: Rinse the asparagus spears under cold water and pat them dry. This step is essential for good prepping asparagus for air fryer.

patting dry asparagus

Wrapping the Asparagus

1. Wrap with Prosciutto: Take one slice of prosciutto and wrap it tightly around each asparagus spear. If your spears are small, use half a slice. Wrapping asparagus with prosciutto evenly ensures each piece is well-covered.

wrapping asparagus with prosciutto

2. Prosciutto Wrapping Tips: Make sure the prosciutto overlaps slightly to stay secure during cooking.

Cooking in the Air Fryer

1. Arrange in Air Fryer Basket: Place the wrapped asparagus spears in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding to ensure even cooking.

arranged prosciutto wrapped asparagus

2. Set Cooking Temperature and Time: Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Cook the asparagus for 8-10 minutes until the prosciutto is crispy and the asparagus is tender. Follow these air fryer instructions for best results.

3. Cooking Tips: Check halfway through to ensure even cooking and shake the basket if needed.

Note: For extra flavor, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle black pepper before cooking. You can also add a squeeze of lemon juice after cooking for a fresh finish.

Tips for Perfect Results

To achieve perfect air fryer results with your prosciutto wrapped asparagus, follow these practical tips:

  • Do not overcrowd the air fryer basket: Proper air circulation is crucial for even cooking. Place the asparagus in a single layer.
  • Use thin slices of prosciutto: Thinner slices cook more evenly and become perfectly crispy.
  • Serve immediately: For the best texture, enjoy your prosciutto wrapped asparagus right after cooking while the prosciutto is still crispy.

How to Make Ahead and Store

Preparing in advance and storing leftovers is simple:

  • Make ahead: You can prepare and wrap the asparagus up to a day in advance. Wrap the asparagus with prosciutto and refrigerate until ready to cook.
  • Store leftovers: Keep any cooked leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. This helps maintain freshness.
  • Reheat in air fryer: When you’re ready to enjoy the leftovers, reheat them in the air fryer at 350°F for 1-2 minutes until warmed through. This will help retain the crispiness.

How to Serve: Serving Suggestions

Prosciutto wrapped asparagus is versatile and pairs well with various dishes:

  • Serve as an appetizer for gatherings or dinner parties.
  • Pair it as a side dish with main courses like grilled chicken, steak, or fish.
  • Add it to a brunch spread alongside eggs and fresh salad.

These serving suggestions highlight the flexibility of this dish, making it a delightful addition to any meal.

FAQs on Air Fryer Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

Final Words

Making air fryer prosciutto wrapped asparagus is a fantastic way to enjoy a simple recipe that’s both healthy and delicious.

With just a few ingredients and minimal preparation, you can create a dish that’s perfect for any occasion. The air fryer makes it easy to achieve crispy prosciutto and tender asparagus without much effort.

Whether you’re serving it as an appetizer or a side dish, this recipe is sure to impress. Give it a try and enjoy the quick preparation and delicious results. Cooking with an air fryer has never been so straightforward and rewarding.

Happy cooking!

More Healthy Air Fryer Vegetable Recipes

  1. Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
  2. Delicious Air Fryer Honey Balsamic Brussel Sprouts
  3. Easy Air Fryer Roasted Artichokes
  4. Easy Air Fryer Sesame Green Beans
  5. Air Fryer Tandoori Cauliflower

See more at air fryer vegetable recipes page.

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air fryer prosciutto wrapped asparagus

Air Fryer Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

Who doesn’t love air fryer prosciutto wrapped asparagus? It’s a quick and tasty dish. Just wrap asparagus with prosciutto and cook in the air fryer for 10 minutes at 375°F. It’s super simple and makes a great appetizer or side dish. Trust me, you’ll love it!

  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 1 pound of asparagus (trimmed)
  • 8 slices of prosciutto
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Optional: black pepper to taste
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


1. Prepping the Asparagus: Trim the Woody Ends: To start, trim about an inch off the woody ends of the asparagus. This part is tough and not pleasant to eat. Trimming asparagus ensures even cooking and a tender texture.

trimming asparagus woody ends

2. Prepping for Air Fryer: Rinse the asparagus spears under cold water and pat them dry. This step is essential for good prepping asparagus for air fryer.

patting dry asparagus

3. Wrapping the Asparagus: Wrap with Prosciutto: Take one slice of prosciutto and wrap it tightly around each asparagus spear. If your spears are small, use half a slice. Wrapping asparagus with prosciutto evenly ensures each piece is well-covered. Prosciutto Wrapping Tips: Make sure the prosciutto overlaps slightly to stay secure during cooking.

wrapping asparagus with prosciutto

4. Cooking in the Air Fryer: Arrange in Air Fryer Basket: Place the wrapped asparagus spears in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding to ensure even cooking. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Cook the asparagus for 8-10 minutes until the prosciutto is crispy and the asparagus is tender. Follow these air fryer instructions for best results. Check halfway through to ensure even cooking and shake the basket if needed.

arranged prosciutto wrapped asparagus


For extra flavor, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle black pepper before cooking. You can also add a squeeze of lemon juice after cooking for a fresh finish.

  • Author: Suborna Tanchangya
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Appetizer/Side Dish
  • Method: Air Frying
  • Cuisine: Italian
  • Diet: Gluten Free


  • Serving Size: 1/4 of the recipe
  • Calories: 150
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Sodium: 680mg
  • Fat: 10g
  • Saturated Fat: 3g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 4g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 10g
  • Cholesterol: 20mg

Keywords: air fryer prosciutto wrapped asparagus

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